Skater girl

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"Emma no..." I said laughing as she fell off my skateboard for the millionth time.

"I give up." She said to me frustrated as I grabbed her hand pulling her up off the ground.

She began to walk back to the sliding glass doors leading into my house.

"No come on Em!" I yelled to her picking up skateboard.

"Ethan I've been trying for almost two hours now, give me a break."

I walked over to where she had paused her hand resting on the handle of one of the sliding doors.

She gave me a tired smile when I set both of my hands upon her shoulders.

"Please your so close to getting it." I begged

"Ethan... nooooo." She whined like a child

"I didn't want to do this but I guess I'm going to have to force you." I smirked

"E- what do you mean?" She said puzzled

I wrapped my arms around her waist lifting her off the ground throwing her light body over my shoulder.

"Ethan no put me down!"

"Not until you get it." I said running back towards the built in skate ramp.

"Ughhh." She said defeated

I set Emma back down on the ground and she looked at me annoyed.

"I said I give up."

"Yeah and I'm not letting you."

"Ethan Dolan... you suck." She said trying to hide her beautiful smile

"Now I know you don't mean that."

"Uh yes I do."

"You weren't saying that last night." I said giving her a quick wink.

She now was smiling

"Shut up."

I held out my skateboard towards her. She just looked down at it defeated.

"Fine but get back on."

She rolled her eyes and took the skateboard from my hands and walked back up to the top of the ramp.

She placed the skateboard in front of her putting one foot on it so it wouldn't roll forwards.

She looked over towards me locking eyes with me. She slowly lifted one of her hands up and then slowly lifted her middle finger towards me.

"This ones for you." She said sarcastically

"Okay now make sure when you put your other foot down and began to go down, make sure you don't put to much pressure on the board or else your gonna go flying forward and eat shit."

I instructed her but she didn't seem like she was listening or like she cared.

"Yeah, yeah got it." She said she got herself ready closing her eyes taking a deep breath preparing herself in case she did end up eating shit.

"You got this Emma just go for it." She mumbled to herself even though she didn't know I could hear her.

I had a good feeling about this one.

I watched as she reopened her eyes looking straight ahead and pushing herself off the ramp her foot landing perfectly on the board in front of the other.

She got it.

I smiled watching her as she glided smoothly down the ramp this time with no falls or bruised knees.

At first I didn't think Emma was gonna have a reaction trying to prove to me that she could still be stubborn as before.

But when she landed right back at the top of the ramp she began yelling out of excitement and jumping up and down.

"Ethan I got it... I actually got it!" She said smiling at me.

She was to damn cute.

Her newly dyed blonde hair had fallen out of its ponytail and it lay on her shoulders.

Emma grabbed my board running back over to where I was standing.

I held my arms open for her as she ran towards me.

She dropped the board and jumped into my embrace.

"Em I told you, you could get it." I mumbled as I lay my head on hers.

"I can't believe I finally got it." She said moving back from me a little still her arms stayed wrapped around my waist while mine stayed around her neck.

"I'm proud of you Chamberlain."

"Thanks E." She said shyly

I moved a piece of her hair out of her face before my lips dived to hers.

Our lips moved in sync for a couple of seconds before we both pulled away.

"Thanks for believing in me."

"I wouldn't be a good boyfriend if I didn't." I said smiling

"Now can we please go and relax inside?" She asked me even if it wasn't really a question in her mind. She was gonna go inside no matter if I wanted to or not.

"Fine." I said putting my arm around her and we began walking to the sliding doors leading into the house.

"But tomorrow I'm teaching you a new trick." I said looking over at my beautiful girlfriend who's head rested on my shoulder.

She moved her head off my shoulder and looked at me surprised.

"Your kidding right?" She asked even though she already knew the answer.


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2020 ⏰

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