"So I have no say?" "Yup"

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He removed his hands from my waist and brought them to cup my face and leaned forward. I closed my eyes and his lips met mine. This time it was slow and felt nice. The butterflies in my stomach raging as his thumb moved gently swiping across my jaw as Our lips moved in rhythm. He pulled away and rested his forehead on mine.

"I have been waiting to do that since I walked in" he says laughing his breath puffing out against my face as he laughed. I open my eyes to see him and angle my chin up to kiss him again. Smiling into the kiss and moving my hands to be resting on his neck. He kissed back letting his hands travel down again finding their way to my waist. His hands wrapping around my waist and pulling me to be standing.  Then pushing my laptop with his hand and hosting me to be sitting on the counter, slotting himself in between my legs. His hands now snug around my waist his fingertips digging into the top of my ass.

I let a small moan slip as the grip of his hands got tighter, he smiled into the kiss as soon as he heard it. Pulling away for the second time he removed his hands and placed them on top of my thighs.

"I feel kinda bad, I interrupted you from your work" he said his face dressed with a smug look. My hands still hooked around his neck.

"I mean I was practically done, but this is an amazing distraction" I say grabbing his cheeks and over annunciating the word amazing, separating all the syllables. He stared back and me and kissed my forehead lightly.

"I mean don't get me wrong, I love doing this with you but, I think the boys would kill me if they found out this is why the song isn't done" he says pulling back tilting his head.

"Fuuuuuuuck why is life so unfair!!" I say throwing my head back. Turning back to him a pout on my head. Planting one more kiss on my lips quickly and then sitting on the stool next to me. I slide off the counter and return back to my chair.

The rest of the time he rested his head on my shoulder and stared at the screen with me. I worked mostly silent and he just sat with me. Half way through he places his hand on my thigh and started rubbing small circles with his thumb. I felt so damn domestic, despite the fact that all me and him have done was kiss, we were really looking like a couple right now.

Part of me wonders if the reason he hasn't said anything is because he doesn't want anything right now. I mean I don't know if I want anything either but I really do like him. I don't know how I would be supposed to bring that shit up anyway. I like what we are doing, but I'm the quickest to catch feelings and just the attention he's been giving me has given me this extra pep in my step.

"Anybody in there?" A hand waves in front of my face. I blind again and turn to him. I guess I zoned out.

"You were just kinda staring for a second there" he said resting his hand on my shoulder. "You finished like 10 minutes ago why don't we go chill on the couch or something" he said rubbing my arm.

My stomach tightened again at the fact he still wanted to stay. I nodded and yawned, pushing myself off the chair and padding over to the couch. He maneuvered himself around me and sat down first. Then looked up to me and gestured to sit laying with him. I placed my legs across and my back to his chest his head resting on my chest. His heartbeat was slightly fast and I wondered if that was because of me.

After thirty minutes of talking about anything the doorbell rang. "Okay this time it probably is Jessie" I say looking at Calum one hand on his chest.

I learned my lesson this time, pushing up on my tip toes and looking out the peep hole. Oh my god. Oh my god.

"Calum, it's Ashton!!!" I run over and whisper yell at Calum, his eyes going wide and standing up quickly from the couch. Pointing to the hallways and pushing Calum down it. Racing to the door stopping collecting my breath then carefully pulling it open.

"Oh hey Ashton!" I say trying to keep my composure knowing his band mate was in my hallways and we had just been making out 30 minutes ago.

"Hey, I know it's late, but I needed to give this to you" he says digging his hand into his pocket pulling out my wallet. "I found this in the parking lot today and I know I probably should've texted but I just wanted to get it to you before you noticed you lost it" he said gently handing it to me.

"Oh my god Ashton thank you so much, I didn't even notice it was missing" I say turning and looking in my purse then shoving it in, I must've dropped it when I grabbed my phone to check the texts from Jess. Turning back to him he was leaning against the door frame hands in his pocket.

"You know we should really hang out sometime," he said nodding his head up at me. Tilting his head slightly to the right. "You seem really cool" leveling his eyes to mine.

"Thanks Ash really, and I might take you up on that offer" I say rushing my words out in efforts to get
Him to leave as quickly as possible.

"Okay babe, see ya tomorrow!" He says pushing off from the door frame and tipping a imaginary hat to me. My eyes quirked slightly at the name choice but then I returned to normal waving and shutting the door behind him as he walked down the hall. Looking out the peephole again watching him disappear down the stairs. Turning around and pressing my back to the door.

"What the fuck??" I say walking back towards the kitchen, Calum's head peeking around the wall.
"The coast is clear" I say laughing at him.

"Well that was odd, I didn't even know I lost my wallet" I exclaim walking over to

"Well he was definitely flirting his ass off" Calum scoffed propping himself up against the counter. A fire inside my belly ignited at the hint of jealousy in his tone.

"Oh Calum are we jealous??" I say mocking him waggling my finger in front of his face.

"No, it's just weird he's like 5 years older than you?" He says defending himself. Myself trying to stifle a laugh stuck in my throat.

"Well what If I don't mind?? I happen to not have a boyfriend, also haven't been on a date in a while" I say nonchalantly momentarily glancing at him with a smirk.

"No! I won't have it" He says lunging to me and picking me up throwing me over his shoulders. My hands flying to grip his t shirt.

"Because of that me and you are going on a date this weekend, and you can't tell me no" he says throwing me down on the couch.

"Oh I have no say in this" I say breathlessly as he is hovering over me holding himself up with his two arms.

"Yup" he says winking.

"Can we go back to kissing please?" I say bringing my hands up to cross around his neck.

"Oh gladly" he says closing the space between us once again.

Hi sorry this took so long I have been buried in school work,, I'm in the homestretch of my high school experience so I've been focusing on that

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