Wink of death

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Fluttering my eyes up I realized I had fallen asleep on the couch. I look down and Jessie had put a blanket on me when she had gotten home.

Checking my phone it was 7:30 am. I had a hour to get ready and head to the studio. Today was the first day the boys were coming in to work with me. Honestly I was really excited and couldn't wait.

I push myself off the couch and walk across the cold tile to the bathroom. Looking in the mirror I mess with my hair a bit and let it just kinda do it's thing. I grabbed a black playboy sweatshirt and threw it on and then did my makeup. A simple eyeliner and mascara look. walking into my room I opened my closet and picked out one of my favorite pairs of boots.

Okay so I don't spend my money a lot but when I do it's usually on makeup, shoes and sweatshirts. The boots I was wearing today were these black Louis Vuitton high heeled combat boots I bought a couple months ago. They were absolutely stunning and just pretty much went with anything, shoes were my guilty pleasure so my collection was pretty big at this point.

I zipped them up and walked into the kitchen grabbing my backpack. Shoving my MacBook and headphones and a couple of cords I had brought home from the studio. Along with my guitar case with my fender in it.

On my way to the studio I decided to switch it up and I played a little bit of the boys older songs. I don't know why but I had become a sucker for their song Mrs. All American. I don't know why but the classic boy band rock sound really just was so evident in that song that I loved it.

I finally parked my car in back and then walked to the double doors.

As I pushed them open the front doors to the building opened as well. The group of Aussie boys I knew too well had entered the building. I press the button to the elevator but keep my hand holding it open. I hear footsteps shuffling to the doors then stopping. Finally Calum's head leans forward looking into the elevator

"Oh hi!" He says stepping now into the elevator.

"Hi there Calum" I say feeling my cheeks turn pink.

The rest of the boys follow in and I press the doors close button than scan my card to my floor. I return back to my spot against the back railing and Calum takes up the rest of the space next to me.

"Are you guys ready?" I question trying to break the silence. I already could feel it but in my peripherals I could see Calum just staring at me

" I'm tired as fuck but I'm ready, I brought a Red Bull just Incase" Calum said from beside me bringing the Red Bull up to his face and smiling.

God he was fucking cute.

"I'm ready as hell, I brought my favorite drumsticks" Ashton says pointing to this bag with the sticks on the side.

"Well I brought myself and the good old fender" I say shaking my case. "Michael I think my guitar might actually match your hair color" I say giggling

"Wow already copying me" Michael says running his hands through his hair.

"Oh you know me I have to I'm such a hUGE fan" I say placing my hand on his shoulder. He flinched a little bit then relaxed with me as I joked with him.

I look down towards to railing to see Calum's knuckles turning white from holding the bar so tight. Why was he holding it so tight all of a sudden? A hand on my shoulder breaks my eye contact from his hand to his eyes.

"So Grace what do we have in store for us today" he says cracking the same smile he always does.

"Well today I want to hear a little bit of what you guys wanted to do for the songs. I want to know what you wanna do musically and what you see for the overall vibes for the song" I say as the elevator doors ding open. "I looked over the music and I have some ideas as well so we can just kinda play around today"

Walking down the hall to my studio the boys chatted about their nights amongst each other.  Finally reaching the office I push open the two big white doors.

"Honey I'm home" I say watching Eddie's head perk up.

"Finally! I missed you. As always a venti iced double dirty chai tea latte" he says handing me Starbucks cup.

"Have I told you I loved you?" I say pecking his check.

"You do all the time darling, I set up the studio for you" he says calling to me as me and the boys walk to the back

"You're a saint!" I yell back. Getting to the studio I flip the lights on and flip the switch to untint the class separating the two rooms.

"This is fucking sick grace I swear" Luke says scanning the room.

I place my guitar case down and laugh as the boys stand and marvel at the room.

"Is this a music man mariposa?" Michael says gliding his finger against the green electric guitar hanging on my wall.

"Why yes sir it is, I got it about a year ago after all of my songs had gone platinum" I say to Michael as he marvels at the wall of guitars and basses.

"These are all my babies, I actually use all of them still" I say placing the all black Gibson back on the wall.

"Wanna see mine!" Michael says grabbing his guitar case and placing it in front of me.

"Of course!" I say.

Flipping the case open to a shiny black Gibson music maker.

"Oh Michael this is sick!" Picking up the guitar and examining the shiny black
Vinyl. Michael walks up next to me and slings his arm over my shoulder.

"Oh yes, this is where all the magic happens" I giggle as he starts to gush over his guitar.

"Okay can we get set up please" I hear Calum say from the corner, his arms crossed and staring straight at Michael.

Why was he being so snippy with Michael? I mean they all seemed pretty close when I met them. It just seems that every single time I talk to Michael, Calum short fuses a bit.

"Yeah of course, Calum can I pretty please see your bass" I say giving him a pouty look, he laughs the stoic expression leaving his face and nods bringing his bass over to me and setting it on the bench.

I open the case and start to plug everything in. Once again he just stares at me. I have never genuinely been intimidated and also thought someone was so hot at the same time.

"Okay here you go, all set!" I say raising his guitar up to him.

He grabs the guitar and places his hand on the neck so our hands overlap a bit.

"Thanks so much" he says with a wink.

Did he just fucking wink at me. DID HE JUST WINK. HUH WHAT. I knew already I had a stupid look on my face.

"Okay well I will be right back, I need to go grab something" I say quickly standing up and racing to the front of the office.

If I needed anything right now it was more oxygen and Eddie.


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