Seungri♪ (Day 1)

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I pointed at the youngest one, Seungri.

His eyes widened but seemed please with me picking him.

"Seungri? You crazy??" T.O.P says.

"Is there a problem?" I asked.

"My little brother is a trainee. But I guess he will do fine. All he has to do is keep watch." Gdragon says.

"Ill watch her well brother. I promise" he smiles and looks at me.

Gdragon nods his head and Seungri approaches me putting me to sleep.

-Day 1 Begins-

I wake up my head hurting.

I look at the room and see that it is nice and simple. Just my style. I guess they took me to their home just like they said.

I go out of the room and head downstairs.

"Y/N!! Goodmorning!!" Seungri comes from the kitchen.

"Oh Seungri. Goodmorning" I tell him.

"Slept well?" He asks.

"Just a minor headache. I will be fine." I tell him.

His eyed widen and he quickly heads for the cabinet and hands me a pill.

"This should help it!" He smiles and hands it to me with a glass of water.

"Thank you." I smile.

He is so kind compared to the others.

"Seungrrriiiii!!!" Daesung yells from the living room.

Seungri laughs at Daesungs sillyness and pats his back as he approaches him.

"Goodmorning!" He says to me.

"Morning!" I reply.

The others soon make their way downstairs.

"Hey y/n want to help me make breakfast? Its my turn and im not much of a great cook." Seungri asks.

I agree and help him make breakfast for everyone.

We passed out the plates and served the food.

"Woooooww!!" Daesung said.

"Thank you" Taeyang said to both if us.

T.O.P and Gdragon just begin to eat.

I look at them and I roll my eyes.


"Cmon y/n lets eat here!" Seungri leads me out in the balcony and we begin to eat.

-after breakfast-

I helped Seungri with the dishes and he takes me to the backyard along with the other guys.

"So what do you do for a living?" Taeyang asks.

"Im a part-time worker in a cafe." I said.

"Hmm.. what a job" T.O.P said.

"At least I dont kill people for a living." I said.

He looks at me fiercely, "I know thats my job. You want a demonstration?" He approaches me but Gdragon stops him.

"Relax" he says.

Seungri, Daesung and Taeyang laugh.

Gdragon then looks at me "Be careful with your words. Dont cross the line. Remember, you are long overdue. I can kill you now or in 9 days your choice." I froze and nodded my head.

His eyes were intimidating.

"Give her a break big brother" Seungri said and shakes my head. "Im sure she didnt mean to be rude about it."

"Hmph!" T.O.P smirks.

"We are going inside. Get to know her so you can plan how you will watch her." Said Gdragon.

The boys except Seungri and I went inside.

"So first of all you need clothes!" He says. "Ill take care of that! Oh i need to know what time you go and get out of work! And everytime you need to go somewhere I need to know! Especially because of your sisters wedding!" He said.

I laughed at his enthusiasm and told him what he needs to know.

"By the way Seungri, you are a trainee right?" I ask.

"Thats right! My brother is helping and training me to become a better grim reaper!" He smiles.

"Im sure you will be great!" I said.

He nods. "Thank you. Oh by the way, dont touch my hands. Ever. Its dangerous."

I look at his hands. "But you shook my head earlier."

"thats because of the gloves. If I take them off. Im dangerous. I still havent managed to control them." Seungri said.

"What power to do posess?" I asked.

"If i touch somebody I can suck the life out of them or knock them out. Its painful" he says.

I nodded my head and listened to him.

We spent the whole time talking amongst eachother and we went back into the house only for me to be pushed around by T.O.P.

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