Taeyang★ (Day 3)

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"Goodmorning!!" I said as I head towards the kitchen.

"Class today?" T.O.P asks.

"Oh yea. I teach pre-k remember?" I told him.

"Well then ill take you. Its right across from where I work" he says.

"No, ill take her. Im in charge of her. And knowing you, I know your intentions when it comes to a girl." Taeyang suddenly says.

"Oh cmon. I know I love girls but this time I was actually being nice. Unless she wants something." T.O.P winks at me.

I laugh and shake my head, "Not intetested sorry"

"Your choice, your loss haha" T.O.P laughs.

I smile and look at Taeyang who was looking at me seriously and the glares at T.O.P. He notices him staring.

"Relax. Im not going to do anything." He says.

"Thats enough. A guy cant concentrate on his reading" Gdragon huffs.

"Ready?" Taeyang says looking at me.

"Oh yea sure." I nodded and we headed to his car.

As he drove he spoke, "Why did you pick me?"

I look up at him surprised by his sudden question, "Uh well I dont know. I guess I felt like if it was the best desision if I chose you."

"I see" he says. "Is this it?" He looks outside the window and points at the small school where I teach.

"Oh yea! Thank you. Oh since its pre-school students that I teach, I come out at 12:30" I said.

"Alright. Ill pick you up." He says and unlocks the door.

"Thank you" I said.

He nods and drives away.

I make my way into class and see my students there sitting ready to learn.

To think I only have 7 days left with the angels I call my children.

I began class.


Class is over and the students have left with their parents.

I begin to tidy up the room.

"Class over?" I heard a familiar voice behind me.

I turn to see that it was T.O.P.

"Oh uhh yea it is. What are you doing here?" I asked.

"Lunch break. And I already knew class ends at 12:30" he says.

"How so?" I asked.

"I spied on you before we attacked your home. Its our task." He laughs.

"Creeper haha" I said.

"What are you doing here?" Taeyang appears at the door.

"Oh your here!" I said.

"Sorry I am late. I had to take care of something." He said.

He then looks at T.O.P, "So what are you doing here?"

"Just came to say hi. Problem?" T.O.P says.

"Just go back to work. We are leaving." Taeyang grabs my wrist and takes me to the car.

"Stay away from him." He says. "He isnt a guy you should be around with."

"What do you mean? He doesnt seem interested in me that way" I said.

He then tightly grasps onto the steering wheel and doesnt say a word.

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