Chapter Two

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Selena ~As we walked in to the stupid school everyone looked at us in fear. I just smirked. The guys were obviously checking us out but we didnt give 2 shit. They did that 24/7 and it just looked pathetic. "Hey how about you and me go back to my place" a guy said grabbing my arm and lulling me twords him. I fake smiled, and grabbed his hand bent it. "In your dreams" i said and we walked away. "Haha nice" Kasandra said high fiving me. "Move bitch" i said as we reached my locker. "So guys theres this party at Shalisas tonight and aparently we werent invited" i said. And they smirked as well. "Lets crash it"Carmen said. "Yeah of course who's bringing the weed?" I asked. "Me of course" Kassandra said. "Yaas bitch" i said and we all laughed. We were all tough looking and we are tough to except for Carmen shes got the look, its just shes innocent. There is nothing wrong with her she just isnt as bad as Kassandra and i. The bell rang and we all headed to first period. We all have the same class. "Well guys time for History" i said and we headed to Mrs. Ivys class. We walked in and went to the back. "So did you guys see the new guys yet?" I asked them. "No why" Carmen said. "Fresh meat" i joked and winked at them. We all laughed. "Sele you're gross" Carmen said. "Yeah but its true" Kasandra said. The bell rang again signaling that everyone should be in class and the teacher walked in. "Good morning class" she said and everyone said good morning back except us. I just groaned out loud. "Uh Ms. Martinez i can see that you took the time out of your busy schedule to actually show up to my class" she said. "i wasnt that busy i just dont care about your class" i said smirking. "Well i can tell you dont care about anything according to your outfit please go change or put a sweater over that" she said. "Fine but if i dont come back its not my fault" i said and she sighed. "Fine Ms. Lopez will you please escort her and make sure she comes back" "okay" she said and i groaned again. Adriana was the goody two shoes of the school, the class pet, she tried to get along with everybody except me, she was always happy and shes annoying. "You can go back i can take care of myself"i said. "I would but then the Mrs.Ivy would be disappointed in me" "so? Why do you even care shes just a teacher" i said. "Just a teacher? Shes the one that chooses wether or not i pass! She hold my future" she said. "Yeah yeah whatever so does every other teacher then and you have to please everyone of them for 12 years so might as well bot even bother" i said opening my locker and grabbing my sweater. "Well i want a good future" she said. "Either way if you keep kissing everybodies ass your gunna have a good future just not a happy one" i said and walked away, as she trailed behind me. "Im going to the bathroom" i said as i entered. I looked in the bathroom and fixed my sweater and my hair, putting my beanie on. After i was pleased with my look i went back to the class. I opened. The door and saw two guys who didnt know at the front. "Uhh Ms. Mrtinez nice of you to finally come back" Mrs. Ivy said. I glared at her and sat in my seat putting my feet up on my desk. "Okay as i was saying this is Taylor Coniff and Aaron Carpentor" she said. "He that guy is kinda cute" Kasandra said gesturing to the guy in the bandana. "So is that Aaron guy" Carmen said. "Yeah there cute, there yours now" i said. "What do you mean" Carmen said. "You'll see" "but i dont even want Aaron i just think he's cute" Carmen said. "Alright ill just get Taylor for you then Kasey" i saud and she nodded. "Take a seat anywhere you want" the teacher said. "Okay" both the guys saidd and they sat right infront of me. They both turned around. "Hi im Taylor" "and im Aaron" the both said sticking out their hands. "Hey im Selena, this is Carmen and Kassandra" i said. "Oh well nice to meet you girls could you show us around?" Aaron said. "Sure no problem Kassandra will show Taylor around and Carmen will you show Aaron around?" "sure"she said smiling. "What about you?" Aaron asked. "Ill help every now and then. Not really a girl you guys want to be around" i said. "Same with them but they arent as bad" i winked. Then the bell rang. "Duces see you guys later" i said to them walking to literature. </p>

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