Chapter 2.5 - Bonus Time

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 "Look, Hajime," the voice traveled through the speaker. "You were the first real friend I ever made, but I can't show weakness in front of my associates again. I'll think about setting your deadline to next week, but that's it."
 "I understand." He considered telling him about the solution he'd been handed earlier that day, but decided it would sound too suspicious. Though he trusted Fuyuhiko, he didn't want to risk Nagito backing out if he discovered the yakuza knew he had access to that much money.
 "Thanks for looking out for me."
 "Hey," the mob boss spoke flippantly, "If my sister were still alive, you'd probably already be dead."
 "That's comforting to hear."
【*cue me suddenly realising why Fuyuhiko's sister is named Natsumi* ァァアアアアア❗️】
 "She'd handle things more brutally than I do. She'd give the order to have your guts strung around your place!"
 "Uh-huh," he answered dryly. He knew cynicism was what got Fuyuhiko through the unpleasant memories, so he always went along with it.
 "Hajime." The air became serious.
⦅Here comes Phase Two.⦆
 "The world's a barbaric place— especially my world. Everyone settles things with violence."
 "That's true," he mused.
 "I've seen plenty of people die, and as long as I'm burdened with the Kuzuryuu name, I'll always be dealing with a mountain of bodies."
 There was a moment of silence.
 "Please," he urged, "Do your best not to end up in that pile."
 Out of all the people Hajime knew, Fuyuhiko was the strongest. He'd lost his younger sister during their time at Hope's Peak, and it was an unspoken allegation among the students he'd killed the perpetrator in an act of vengeance. It was clear he didn't regret it, but something about his aura had changed after it happened. Hajime's intuition had told him it was his first time directly killing someone. There was this dark cloud that seemed to follow him everywhere.
 "Yeah," Hajime promised, "I won't."
 There was another silence.
⦅Phase Three?⦆
 He suddenly cut in again. "Also, no drinking! Don't even go within three hundred feet of the stuff!"
 "Okay; oka—"
 "I ain't s▇tting around! I've seen people attached to that poison put themselves in debt all over again!"
 "Alright; I get it! I promise never to take up drinking!"
⦅I'm not that depressed, Fuyuhiko.⦆
 After a short hush, he heard familiar raspy laughter on the other end.
⦅Always ends in nagging.⦆
 The mob boss's jovial respite steadily died down.
 "Seriously," he pushed. "Good luck."
 "Alright, Mom."
 He ended the call and looked at Nagito, who was sleeping on a chair by the window.
 "We'll see what sort of luck you bring me."

|Chapter 2.5のNotes|

 I get the feeling I stretched something with Fuyuhiko. Maybe it's his lack of leniency with Hajime. He'd probably just go, "I'm the one in charge! F▇k what he owes us; I don't give a s▇t!" That's why I added the implication that he'd protected Hajime once before, and that his underlings' respect is wearing down a bit.
 だから、this mini-chapter was more fun to write than Chapter 2. I suppose I simply like indulging in wholesomeness more... The thought of a mob boss thoughtfully nagging their client— Yeah; that's realistic, Edi.

✐ *looks at the Wiki page for Natsumi Kuzuryuu*
 Ohhhh. Fuyuhiko's lactose-intolerant.
 *thinks of a terrible joke*
 *has to say it*
 That's not the only stomachache you've gotta worry about, bro!
 *guttural noise of guilt/jocunda* 😊🔨 I'mma go whack myself upside the head with a hammer now.
 –one day later–
《That wasn't a reference to the second murder?》
 It is now. (˟⏑˟)
《She's comin for your kneecaps, Edi》
 Y e p . . .

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