Chapter 1 - 23:37

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 Hajime's stomach growled mercilessly. He couldn't sleep because of his hunger, but he didn't bother to prepare anything, since he knew his fridge was empty.
⦅This would all be over if you just fell asleep!⦆
 As if responding, his stomach gurgled again. He slammed his hand on the mattress.
⦅I'm too tired to get up, but too distracted to sleep.⦆
 He glanced at the clock on the nightstand. Eleven thirty-seven.
 "Tch." He forced himself out of bed, getting dressed to make a trip to the convenience store, all the while muttering rhetorical questions and complaints.

【cue to fangirl over my text symbol creativity】
【and admire my sharp wit】
《You're gonna drive em batty, Edi.》

 He exited the store drearily, carrying two bags of packaged curry-rice and kusa-mochi, knowing he'd probably be too tired from work to pick up anything tomorrow.
 As he passed under numerous street lights, he counted the amount of cigarette butts he came across. He'd gotten to seven before hearing footsteps directly behind him. He turned around, preparing to whack whoever was tailing him with the food he'd just bought.
 There was nobody there. He furrowed his brows.
⦅The sound was right behind me. It definitely was.⦆
 "If you tense your muscles, you won't be able to relax."
 Hajime gasped as something sharp pierced his neck. He dropped the bags and tried squirming out of the stranger's grasp, but that threatened to tear more of the flesh where the weapon was. His assaulter drew the object away.
 "Haven't you ever gotten blood drawn?" he teased. "If you get too panicky, there's a good chance you'll pass out."
 "S-stop doing this, then," he retorted, unable to sound demanding due to the shock.
 "Sorry. I already started feeding. I can't exactly stop myself 'til I'm done."
⦅"Feeding"?! This psycho thinks he's a vampire!⦆
 "SOMEBODY, HELP!" he yelled out, hoping there was another person nearby. He was out in the open, after all.
 "That won't work. I chose to hunt at this time for a reason." The man whispered, "You don't want to be left with a scar; do you? It'd be better to wait 'til I'm satisfied."
 "You can take my wallet; I just want to go home," he tried negotiating.
 "I'm not interested in money," he deflected. "Don't worry. I'm not going to kill you. I only want a few ounces of blood. Just relax." He spoke slowly and gently, almost as if he had experience doing this, and was taking the utmost care in it. It pissed Hajime off that someone so crazy was able to do this crap.
⦅I'll be d▇ned if I let this guy get away with this!⦆
 He resumed his struggle, not heeding the suggestions. Before he even knew it, he had passed out.

|Chapter 1のNotes|

 I'm not usually the type to write intimate material, but I got a sudden burst of inspiration for a vampire Komahina scenario, so I'm pushing away my blushies for the sake of your【my】entertainment!
 I'm really not a romantic person, but when it comes to a ship I'm rather invested in... (//៱//)ゞ I'M A SUCKER FOR KOMAHINA; LEAVE ME ALONE!!!!《Hahaha. Oh, Edi, you're adorable.》

 Oh; anyone who gets the reference in the title, don't spoil it! To those who don't understand, go watch a Let's Play of Trigger Happy Havoc.
 ⭐︎〜(ゝ◡╹) うぷぷ

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