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Carmen's POV

Me and my team were heading to Alaska to find the V.I.L.E. base located there.

We were coming by helicopter.

Zack was nervous, but he's actually a pretty good pilot.

Apparently they had some priceless jewelry located there.

All the hungry people in the world who will have food soon.

All the kids who can attend school.

Zack and Ivy were rooting for me all the way.

If Shadowsan wasn't on a mission, we'd be able to have a better chance.

"Security should be unaware, Red." Said Player through my earpiece. "We should be able to get the jewels."

What can go wrong?

~~Time Skip~~

A lot actually.

ACME came.

The agents somehow found me.

Now I was fighting V.I.L.E. and ACME.

They didn't even fight each other.

I told Zack and Ivy that we were going to have to abort through my earpiece as I punched an ACME agent out cold.

I was able to find a snowmobile in the base.

I told Zack the new pick up location.

ACME was still hot on my trail.

I had to make a lot of turns, but I was able to lose them.

Once I arrived at the pick up, all I had to do was wait.

The pick up was located in top of a cliff.

"Well well well." Said an all too familiar voice.


"You might've outran those agents," Tigress grinned. "But you can't outrun me."

She swung her claws at me.

I was able to dodge the first few.

After a few moments of dodging, one of her claws cut me across the left side of my face.

It went right through my snow goggles.

She almost hit my eye.

"OW!" I said, making Tigress freeze for a second. "That's gonna scar, you jerk."

Tigress and I continued to fight until we reached the edge of the cliff.

She managed to put a few scratches on my left forearm.

"Ok." Said Tigress. "You give up?"

I shook my head as I swung my right fist at her.

Tigress kicked me in the stomach and I fell back.

I tumbled off the cliff.

I heard a scream.

I couldn't tell if it was me or Tigress.

Everything went black before I knew what was happening.

Player's POV

I tried to contact Carmen but she wouldn't respond.

She went offline.

I told this to Zack and Ivy.

They said that they couldn't contact her either.

She wasn't at the pick up.

They said they found blood and a trail in the snow to the edge of the cliff.

They also found Carmen's snow goggles.

They were busted.

They flew down, but we're able to find nothing.

We didn't know what happened at the moment.

I looked for any recent calls around the area with in the last hour.

I found one.

I listened to it.

"T-the job is done." Said a Shakey voice. "It was an accident...but I... I took care of Carmen Sandiego."

But we couldn't find at the very least a body.

So where in the world is Carmen Sandiego?

I looked through a drone, and ACME was on their way.

I told Zack and Ivy to get out of there.

"But Carmen isn't here." Said Ivy. "We can't leave without her."

"We have no choice." I said. "If Carmen made it out, she knows how to handle herself. She'll contact us the first chance she gets."

We never got that call.

Chase's POV

We searched the area, but could not find La Femme Rouge.

She has to be here somewhere.

We reached an area with tracks.

We found only footprints and blood.

We tested the blood out through DNA, and sure enough, no file.

Carmen Sandiego has no file.

It could be hers.

What the question is.. what happened?

Where in the world is Carmen Sandiego?

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