~Chapter Fifteen~

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After school, Anna drove back to her place and we went inside. I was going to stay the night like normal, even though it's a school night. It's really easy to stay the night on a school night when your best friend lives right across the road from you.

"You'll never guess what my music teacher is making me do" I sighed, jumping onto her bed.

"You love music, how can anything bad happen in that class?" she asked, placing her bag down on the floor.

"She's making me sing. In front of the whole class!" I groaned.

"Y/N, you have an amazing voice, you really need to show it to people more often"

"That's not the only thing" I paused. "She's wanting me to write, produce and sing my own song. In a week!" I said, then buried my head into a pillow.

"What's so wrong with that? I've heard some of the stuff that you've done, well read actually. Just take one of the songs that you've written and then try and add guitar to it or something" she shrugged.

"I wish it was that easy" I sighed. Anna's eyes then lit up, she looked at me with a huge smile. "What...?"

"Ask Daniel!"

"Why would I ask Daniel?" I asked, sitting up so that I was now facing her.

"Y/N, he literally writes, sings and produces for a living. You know a famous singer, take advantage of it" she stated.

"I will not work with you brother. That would end terribly"

"Come on Y/N, it won't be that bad" she whined.

"We fight over everything we do, we'll never be able to agree on anything" I said.

"Fine, at least go to his studio and try and practice something. I have some work I need to finish, I'll check up on you in half an hour" she smiled. "Daniel's out with the boys tonight, you'll be fine"

I sighed. "Fine" I grabbed my phone and made my way over to Daniel's studio. I turned the LED lights on and picked up an acoustic guitar. I pulled out my phone, going into my notes and picking a song to sing.

I started writing songs when I started high school, never really thought I would go anywhere with it. I love singing, but I'm really shy when it comes to performing. I think that people will think I'm bad and my confidence will be shattered, that's why I've never fully considered a career in that industry.

I strummed the guitar to see if it was in tune and of course it was, it's not a Daniel thing for something to be not tuned. I started playing a few chords and humming along to it. Eventually I figured out the chords that my voice suited and started to sing the lyrics.

I didn't really know what I was doing with anything, I was just playing a few simple chords and singing the words that I wrote. I kept stopping and starting whenever I liked something or had to change some lyrics.

I don't know how long it had been but I didn't really care, I was in my zone and it felt good. The room was quiet, it was just me and my thoughts, no one to distract me. Not like at home where I have siblings to compete with.

Finally, I had something that I was happy with. I decided to play the song through from the top and then record it with my phone for later use. The song was about my feelings, sound cliche I know. It's about these feelings that I've had for awhile but I can't figure out what they are. They're just sitting there, in the back of my mind. I try to forget that they're there but sometimes it's a bit hard.

When I strummed the last chord the door opened. "Has it really been half an hour?" I asked, looking at my phone.

"I didn't know you could sing" a voice I wasn't expecting said. I looked up and saw Daniel standing at the door, leaning on the door frame.

"I guess" I shrugged. "Sorry for using your space, Anna said you weren't home. I needed to work on my music task"

I put the guitar down and stood up, about to walk out of the room, but Daniel stopped me. "What's the task?" he asked.

"I have to write, produce and sing my own song. I have the song, majority of the chords but that's about it"

"How about I help? I literally do this for a living" he asked.

"No, I think I'm fine"

"Come on Y/N, let me help. Would you rather stress over it yourself or have me help you? Or even worse, have Anna help. She may be able to sing, but she can't do anything else" he laughed. I kind of agree though, she's not the best when it comes to music.

I sighed. "Ok...here's my phone. It's got the lyrics and chords"

"I don't need that" he paused. "You're going to play the song for me and then I'll work with that. It's better that way" he said and sat down on the chair right next to me.

I picked the guitar back up and started singing. Daniel was writing things down on a notepad beside him, probably different ideas that he has.

We were at this for hours. I'd been singing for a long time and we were making really good progress on the song, I think that it was almost finished.

"How are you going?" I asked.

"Almost finished. Just remember this is a draft, so we'll have to go over it again another time, maybe when we aren't tired"

"That's probably a good idea" I yawned and laid my head on his shoulder. I was seeing a different Daniel again tonight, it was the caring Daniel, the one I wanted to see more of.

He looked down at me and smiled. Our eyes locked and we stayed like that for a while, no one saying anything, no one moving, it was just us. It was hard to look away from his eyes, considering how beautiful they are. It's like an ocean, it doesn't seem like it's going to end. Then something happened that I didn't think would happen, we started leaning in.

There was then a knock at the door, we instantly moved away from each other. Anna then walked in the room.

"Sorry, it's been way over half an hour but I knew Daniel would be home soon and he could help" she smiled. "It's late though, you need sleep"

"Yeah, you're right" I agreed. "We'll finish this another day Daniel"

I got up from the chair and left the room as quickly as possible. I think we were about to kiss, actually, we were about to kiss. That can't happen. I can't go down that road. I need to stay as far away from Daniel as possible, and my date with Alex is a good start.





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