~Chapter Forty Nine~

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I was currently standing on the side of the stage, listening to the crowd talking amongst themselves while waiting for the show to start.

I shook my hands and jumped up and down trying to calm my nerves.

"You're going to do great," a soothing voice said from behind me. I turned around and saw Daniel.

"I really hope so" I sighed. "I'm just nervous because no one's really heard my songs. Like yeah, they've heard me sing and all but these are my actual songs. I've spent hours writing these and they're really personal, what if they don't like them?" I asked, rambling.

"Y/N, you need to take a deep breath and calm down," Daniel said with a slight chuckle.

I listened to what he said and took a deep breath in and let it out slowly. "I'm ok..."

He took a step closer and put his hands on my shoulders. "Now listen to me. You're going to do amazing out there, they already love you. I've seen the comments about you opening for us and people are really excited, even people in limelight and meet and greet told me they were excited to see you perform"

"Really?" I asked.

"I promise" he smiled. "You're going to do great ok, trust me"

The lights dimmed and the crowd let out a loud scream. "That's my queue" I said nervously.

"Go get 'em, I'll be right here watching the whole time" he said with a huge smile.

The music started and I took a deep breath then walked onto the stage. The crowd started cheering when they saw me on the stage. The lights were really bright but my eyes adjusted quite quickly and I saw the thousands of people staring at me, but they all had huge smiles on their faces. My eyes quickly met Anna's who had a huge smile on her face. I also saw that she was with Alex, Tyler, Christian, Keri and Jeff who were also cheering me on.

I brought the microphone up to my mouth. "Los Angeles, how you doing!"

I sang my heart out for the remainder of my songs. Every time it got a little easier, seeing the smiles on their faces and them all enjoying themselves. When I felt nervous about something I either looked at Anna who was in the crowd, or Daniel who was beside the stage.

I sang my final note and took a bow. "Get ready for Eben!" I yelled and the crowd cheered.

I walked off stage and straight into Daniel's arms.

"You did amazing! They loved you" Daniel mumbled into my shoulder while hugging me. 

"It was amazing up there! I loved every minute of it out there" I said and pulled away from the hug.

"See, you had nothing to worry about, I told you they were going to love you" he said with a smile.

"Thank you for helping my dream come true Daniel, I wouldn't be here without you"

"You're my girlfriend, that's all I want to see you achieve"

"That's why I love you" I smiled.

It took him a minute to realise what I actually said, but a huge smile grew on his face. "I love you too"





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