~Chapter Twenty Five~

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Your POV

It was finally Saturday. It was the first Saturday in a long time where I wasn't woken up by my parents fighting, my brother screaming, or Anna jumping on my bed. I felt relaxed, happy, refreshed. My phone then pinged and it was a message from Alex.

Alex: Hey Y/N, do you want to do something today?

Y/N: Depends what you have in mind

Alex: Do you skate?"

Y/N: Hell yeah, I love skating

Alex: Sweet. Get dressed and we'll skate around the streets for a while :)

Y/N: Be out front in 5

Alex: See you then

I don't know if I like Alex, I mean he's a great guy and everything and it would be amazing to date him, but I kind of have feelings for someone else that's developing at the moment. He did say that I could use him as a distraction, but I'm not that kind of girl. I don't want to lead him on, so I'm hoping that he doesn't think of today as a date, more like two friends hanging out.

I quickly got changed into a white crop top, black denim shorts with a flannel shirt tied around my waist. I slipped on some checkered vans, tied my hair up in a messy ponytail then ran out the front door grabbing my phone and board on the way.

"I didn't know you could skate," I said, running across the road to Alex.

"It's just a fun thing to do in my spare time" he shrugged. "Come on, let's go"

We placed our boards on the ground, then started heading down the street. Our street wasn't very long but there was a loop at the end meaning we could just go round and round.

"How about we head back to ours. I have a few ramps inside that we can use" I suggested.

"Sounds great" he smiled.

When I reached my house, I quickly ran inside, bringing out a couple of my ramps that I had. I placed them in the middle of the road. Luckily our street is deserted and quiet, so that if a car was coming we had time to notice, perks of a quiet neighbourhood.

"So, how's it going with lover boy?" Alex asked, going over the ramp.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"My neighbour, obviously. Who else would it be" he laughed.

I sat down on the edge of my driveway. "I don't know," I shrugged. "I don't know what's happening"

"Have you spoken to him about things? I mean, is there anything to speak about or is it just feelings?" Alex asked, looping around and going up the ramp again.

"I mean, the other day we kissed..." I mumbled, looking down.

"No way! Seriously, I've missed so much. We need to hang out more"

"It's no big deal, I mean we haven't talked about it or anything. He did try, but I pushed him away"

Alex came and sat down next to me. "Look, it's ok to take your time, but you can't not talk to him. I mean, like give yourself a few days if needed, but don't leave a guy hanging. From personal experience, when you don't say anything after something happens, you just lose hope completely and wonder what you've done wrong"

"What happened to you?" I asked.

"I had a fling with a girl for a couple months, I thought it was serious and she didn't. When I confronted her about it, she said that she'd been seeing 2 other guys while we had a 'thing'. She said that she thought I knew and she apologised, but moved on. I waited everyday for months hoping that she would text me and say that she wanted me, but eventually I gave up. I ended up moving here and I met you" he smiled.

"That sucks, but hey, you have me now" I said, nudging his shoulder. He put his arm around me and rubbed my shoulder.

I then heard a front door shut, and the sound of a car unlocking. I looked up and saw Daniel out the front of his place, getting in his car, Christian behind him. He looked at me, disappointed but then gave me a half smile. Alex moved his arm off me and then stood up, waving at the boys when they drove off, Christian waved back but Daniel glared.

"I have a feeling he doesn't like me" Alex laughed.

"He calls you a douche" I said, getting up and placing my board down, going over the ramp.

"Nice, love that name" Alex said sarcastically, followed by a laugh.

I couldn't help but wonder why Daniel looked at him like that. Surely he knows that Alex and I are just friends, right? I mean, why would that matter, I'm sure he doesn't like me like that anyway. The kiss was an in the moment thing that won't be happening again.

I looked over at Alex who smiled, making me smile. He's such a sweet and amazing guy, but there are other feelings that are over taking the ones for him. Maybe if I push those feelings aside, the ones for Alex might grow stronger, but I don't want to lead anyone on. Maybe I should just get rid of all the boys in my life so that I have no dramas. No that's even worse. What am I supposed to do?





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