꒦꒷‧ ₊˚ ━ 𝚂𝙲𝙴𝙽𝙴 𝙾𝙾𝟻.

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tw:   corruption,  overstim,   choking,  orgasm denial, biting, lil bit of praise and degradation, fingering, soft dom tooru and unprotected sex

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tw:   corruption, overstim,   choking, orgasm denial, biting, lil bit of praise and degradation, fingering, soft dom tooru and unprotected sex

THE LAST THING SHE EVEN CONSIDERED HAPPENING TODAY, was finding out her dear grandfather never existed, and being pinned right beneath a flirtatious wolf of a man

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THE LAST THING SHE EVEN CONSIDERED HAPPENING TODAY, was finding out her dear grandfather never existed, and being pinned right beneath a flirtatious wolf of a man.

she still couldn't quite place her finger on why he was so familiar, but little by little it began to piece back together in her head — painfully of course.

but was that important now?

certainly not.

his lips claimed her slightly bruised ones once again, his hands caging her wrists in his as he placed her hands onto his shoulders so that she could hold onto him.

one kiss after another, he could tell her breaths were slowly becoming more and more uneven. additionally, with his enhanced sense of smell, he knew she was getting excited too.

his lips parted from hers once more, hovering only centimetres away from hers as he rested his forehead against her own, "y/n-chan, i want you to call me tooru from now on, okay?" he whispered softly, his left hand placing at the side of her head while the other dragged down her cheek.

𝐅𝐀𝐍𝐓𝐀𝐒𝐘.   tooru o .   ✓Where stories live. Discover now