꒦꒷‧ ₊˚ ━ 𝚂𝙲𝙴𝙽𝙴 𝙾𝙾𝟽.

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"OH PERFECT! THAT MAKES THIS A WHOLE LOT EASIER THEN," said the blond haired twin with a laugh and without warning he grabbed her wrist

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"OH PERFECT! THAT MAKES THIS A WHOLE LOT EASIER THEN," said the blond haired twin with a laugh and without warning he grabbed her wrist.

osamu shot him a brief glare, but not long after did he grab ahold of her opposite arm, restraining the girl from leaving in anyway.

her heart nearly dropped at what was happening, her eyes having gone completely wide. "what're you — let go of me!" she shouted while attempting to pry their hands off of her, her face contorting into one of discomfort. why were they handling her so roughly, just what on earth was happening? nothing made sense here!

"sorry, but we hadda getcha outta here y/n-san," began the gray haired twin, his remorseful eyes meeting with her fearful ones, "the king's after ya for reasons unknown even to us, so we can't let 'em have ya," he continued before looking over at his sibling, gesturing for him to start running.

the more outspoken twin nodded in response to the gesture and began picking up his own pace, "apparently there's sum sorta prophecy kept within a scroll that the crazy blue caterpillar has. it's our job to find it and make sure it doesn't fall into the king's hands along with yerself."

the ground rumbled with each step they all took and by the looks of it the fog in the forest seemed to be getting thicker. why was that?

"wait a minute so let me get this straight cuz you guys make absolute no sense," she began, catching their attention as they glanced at her briefly to see what she had to say.

she cleared her throat, joining them as she hopped over a log in her path. "you two work for the king and you have a mission to take me there — but instead you're going against your orders to keep me safe..?"

atsumu rubbed his neck, a slight laugh leaving his lips. "guess ya could say that. it's more like we were undercover in the palace for the white king," he explained.

white king? so there was another one? just how many kings were there?!

"we're here," intercepted osamu, halting in his steps along with the other two as he waved his free hand to clear the fog that was actually..

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