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My head throbbed as I repeated the words over and over in my head.


My arms hurt as I continued to thrust the cold weapon- no, a tool that was once used to cut up food. Now it was my weapon, my lifeline, my only chance to survive this nightmarish situation.- into the demons foul body over and over and over.


I stopped, only once I saw something slide out in the waterfall of mud. The same red mud that stained my clothes and clung to my face and hands.

(Everything was sososo very red.)

A piece of ribbon. It was Hina's ribbon. Her new ribbon that Okemia had made for her. And it had come out of the creature's body.

Tears left my eyes faster as I began to stab hard and deeper into the creature's greenish neck.

Finally, only after I cut the head off, the creature stopped thrashing underneath my small body.

I sat up and climbed off the creature's body. Then, I searched through the mud and once I finally found it, I clasped my hand over the soaked ribbon and fell down onto my bruised knees.

I held the ribbon close to my heart.
As if it was a knife that had stabbed it.
The force of my tears was so utterly intense that I thought I might puke.

(As the demon's body began to slowly wither away, dream-like memories began to flow back to him. Memories of what had been,

and what could have been.)

"I was a writer huh?" Kagome's head snapped back to the decapitated creature, more specifically, it's head.

"Tell me, little girl, why are so different from all of the rest? Actually, now that I think about it, you remind me of one of my old characters." She stared as his body slowly began to turn into dust.

"Yeah, you're just like her. I killed her off in the end though." His expression was filled with thoughts, almost conflicted. Finally, his head began to whither away and Kagome caught a glimpse of his mirthless smile.

Nothing was left. All of the dust was swept away in the wind. And Kagome was left kneeling in the pile of red mud, knife in hand, remorseless.

She turned her neck to take one last look at the corpse, then let go, letting the darkness take hold and embrace her tightly.

"Let's see how your ankle is doing today!" Kanae said gaily. 

Kagome nodded and pulled the light-colored covers off her small body.

Kanae slowly and carefully unwrapped the bandages that were around the young girl's leg.

Everything she did around the girl was slow and careful. That's what you had to do around someone that recently experienced loss.

Kagome watched as the girl examined her hurt ankle. The girl did that every day.

From what Kagome had gathered, this place that she was taken to was like a hospital. In the room Kagome had stayed in for the past month or so, she was the only one in it. Despite the fact that there were a lot of beds.

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