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"How is everything going, Kagome?" startled,
I switched my gaze from the staring stars to Kanae who was standing behind me.

"Everything is fine! I can't thank you enough for how much you have done for me!" I said then turned my body and lowered my head over my hands so it touched the wood, bowing.

"There's no need to thank me. Oh yes, before I forget," I looked up at her curiously as she carefully pulled something out of her pocket.
It was a bundle of green material.

She handed it to me, and I carefully unwrapped it,
revealing a white butterfly beret.
I didn't like the color white, no.
More like I despised it.
But after looking at the small beret,
I decided white wasn't so bad.

Still looking down at the dainty yet sturdy beret I whispered, "Thank you."

"Here's your medicine Eito. You should be all healed up by tomorrow."

Eito graciously took the small cup full of the strange-smelling liquid that he had been drinking for the past weak. After downing it all he wiped his mouth and gave the cup back to Kagome.

"Thank you," he grumbled then laid back down and pulled the covers back up over his throbbing head.

Kagome had been working hard to fit in and do her job at the Butterfly Estate. Even if her job was as small as giving medicine and changing bandages.

Aoi was teaching her about other things as well so Kagome could help with people that had suffered through more severe injuries.

However, Kagome had yet to...until today that is.

"Kagome, I need your help!" Upon hearing her name yelled, Kagome swiftly turned around and saw Aoi standing in the doorway. She was panting, almost as if she had been in a hurry to get there.

Aoi rushed into the room and grabbed Kagome's hand, forcing her to follow.

"I haven't yet finished my shift. Is it really okay to just leave-"

"-Yes, " Aoi cut her off and let go of her hand, "Shinobu is out, we're short-staffed, and now we have a severely injured demon slayer."

"Okay. But what about the other people that I had to take care of?" Kagome asked, stopping.

She really didn't think it was okay to just leave those people without their medicine.

Aoi sighed and grabbed Kagome's hand once more to pull her along.

"I already asked Yui-San to take care of it. Now come on, we need to hurry!"

Yui wasn't an apprentice. However, she had a problem with blood. Kagome assumed that it had something to do with the fact that her parents were viciously murdered by demons.

Anyway, because she was scared of blood, she normally just gave medicine. Though she was several years older than Kagome and Aoi.

"What happened to him?"

The demon slayer laid in a bed across from Kagome, groaning in pain. Half of his body seemed to be crushed. His body was all mangled and bones were sticking out along the pink flesh.

"A demon of course now come on, put these on," Aoi snapped and handed Kagome a mask and gloves.

Kagome quickly put them on as Aoi added, "we need to stop the bleeding quickly or he'll die."

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