Chapter 8

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More Musical Parts?
Fuck yeah
Also, Apparently those Things(Like, The Thing that's Painted on Barbs Van in this AU and that She and the Others Ride in on in the actual Movie) are Called Angler Buses and now I feel like an Idiot-

" This," Barb said to you, Pulling up the Door to the Storage Unit. " Is where we Practice our Songs and Stuff." Barb Finished. Carol immediately Ran in and Jumped on a Leather Couch that was seated against the Back wall. The Storage Unit was Painted Black with Red and Dark Grey LED Lights on the Ceiling. It was very... Edgy-Looking to say the Least. By one of the Walls, Infront of a Bunch of Red LED's that spelt out the Oh-so Famous Band Name, Barbed Wires(with another Angler Fish thing Painted Between 'Barbed' and 'Wires'), was a Drum Set, Two Electric Guitars on their Stands, and Two Speakers on either side of the Instruments along with Three Microphones.
" Huh, This looks Cool." You said, walking Deeper into the Unit, Looking around. " But.. Why a Storage Unit?" You Asked. Barb walked in and Riff Slid the Door thing Down, Closing it. " Well, At First, all of this was Set up in the Basement of my Dad's house, but since I Had to go to College, I couldn't make the One.. almost Two Hour Drive to Volcanic Rock City and Back to Campus, So I had our Stuff moved Here. It actually isn't all of our Stuff, some is still at the House." Barb Explained, Looking over the Place herself and Pushing her Mohawk back with one of her Hands, which only resulted to it Flicking back Up when she Removed her hand. You walked over and Set on the Leather Couch, Next to Carol, Who was eating more of that Spray Cheese stuff straight out of the Can. Barb came over as well and Sat on the arm of the Couch, the Side where you where sitting at. Riff had Nowhere to sit, Since Carol was taking up Three Seats and an Arm for herself to Stretch Across, so he just went over to his Drum Set and sat on the Little stool he had there. Barb took her phone out and checked it for a Millisecond before turning to you.
" Wanna hear one of our Work-in-Progress'?" " Um, Sure! Why not? I like your Music." You said. Barb got up and walked over to her Axe-Shaped Guitar, Picking it up and Carelessly Kicking it's stand Away, making it fly into the Air and Hit the other wall with a ' CLANG!'. " Car, Get over here."(Yes, Carols Nickname[at least her Nickname in this book] is pronounced as Car: The Thing you Drive in, because it's honestly the Best nickname in Fanfic History) Carol Jumped up and Ran over, But her Ankle collapsed in on itself, Making her Fall. She got up, though, and Picked up her Guitar, but she Carefully Set it's stand aside.

You laughed at that and propped an Arm up on the Arm of the Couch, Resting your Head on your Fist. " Okay, Which Work in Progress? Mama, Na Na Na, Chop Suey, This Is Gospel, I Write Sins not Tragedies, Last of the Real Ones, Young and a Menace-" " Let's just do the song we've been working on for the Past few weeks, Carol. Jesus, You make this so Difficult.." Barb Scoffed, Tuning her Guitar to make sure it'll sound right for the Song. Carol scoffed as well, not bothering to Tune her Guitar up. " Well, Sor-ry for wanting to make sure I'm not Lost." " Shut the Hell up." Barb told her, before she Instantly perked up. " Wait, Wait, Wait-" Barb set her Guitar down and Jogged over to where you where at, setting her hand on the arm of the Couch before Leaning over, Doing that thing where you stick a Leg up, Before Pulling up the Pack of Beers she Bought Earlier. " Our Good-Luck Drinks." Carol and Riff instantly lit up. Carol set her Guitar down as well and Riff got up.
Barb started to take the Drinks out of the Plastic Rings and started handing them out, well, Tossing them Out. " One for you," She tossed one over to Carol, Who almost dropped it. " One for You," She Tossed one over to Riff, who caught it Flawlessly. " One for the Alcoholic," She handed one to you, and you Took it, a bit Confused. She pulled out one more for her and set the Rest of the Pack down before her and the Others walked to the Center. " Y/n, Come on!" You, still confused, Got off the Couch with your Drink and over to the Little Circle, where Barb handed you an Ink Pen. "... Huh?"

" You know those Videos where People Stab the Side of Beer Cans with something Sharp and then Drink from it?" " Oh." " Yeah." Barb said before turning her Can to the Side and Positing her Ink pen to it. " Try to stab it as hard as you can, Okay?" She told you as You, Carol, and Riff also turned your Cans to the Side and Aimed the Ink Pens. " This is my first time doing this shit, But I'll try." " Good. On the Count of three-"

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