Chapter 13

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I realized how Weird the Seasons in this book are So you're just gonna deal with Shitty Seasons because idk how else to do things.
Might go into detail about it in the Next Chapter when I decide what to do about it

You and Barb ran to the Van, You jumping into the Drivers Side and Barb crawling into the Passenger's seat, Drunk as Hell. " I know your Drunk and all, But what in your Mind told you to Stars a Bar Fight?!" You asked, starting up the Car before the People she Struck a Fight with came out of the Bar. Barb leaned over and Rubbed her Temple. " I don't.. fucking know, man.." She Slurred, her Sunglasses falling down her face, Prompting her to push them back up her head like a Headband. She sat back in the Seat and Rubbed her face. You got the Van started and Turned to look at the Bar, seeing the Four... Maybe Five Bikers that Barb struck the fight with Walk out of it. They all saw the Van and started charging towards it. " Oh fuck, Oh fuck, Oh Fuck!" You practically shouted and Slammed on the Gas, speeding out of the Place. " God Damn it!" Barb shouted. " What?!" You asked, getting onto the Road. " My head Fucking HURTS!" Your Redheaded Crush exclaimed, making your Groaned and Shake your Head. " Well maybe if you didn't Slam that Bottle on the Guys head, he Wouldn't have Punched you." Barb sighed and Slammed her head into the Back of the Seat. " What an Asshole... Punching a Woman.." " He Probably mistook you for a Guy. Not alot of Women wear Mohawks or drink Bud Light... Or pick Fights with Bikers that are Five times their Size. Especially since we where at a Country Themed Bar, all the girls there where drinking the Weak shit I had and they all had Long Hair. " Barb turned her head to look at you. She looked you Up and Down as best as she could (Because 1: She's Drunk. And 2: You where Sitting down, so she really couldn't see your Ass).

" You're Hot."

You froze and you looked over at Barb, who Snorted and Started Laughing at your Reaction. You felt your Face heat up, but you instantly looked back to face the Road. " Thanks....? I guess..? I don't know, I don't know how to take Complement's from Drunk People." " Bro, I'm serious. You're Hot as Hell." She Pestered, Making you Very Flustered and also making your Heart Beat a bit Faster. Barb drunkenly touched your Shoulder. " You're Hot," She put her hand to her Chest. " I'm hot..." She trailed off a bit before Gasping. " We can be Hot together!" She Stated. You where about to say something until you saw Red and Blue flashing Lights behind you. " Oh fuck, We're gonna get shot!" Barb exclaimed, starting to Freak out, which made you Jump at her Sudden change. You Scoffed and Pulled over, Rolling the Window down and putting a hand on her Shoulder. " Calm down. We're not gonna get Shot. " Barb started to get Hysterical and Gripped the Sides of her Head. " We are gonna get Shot! We're both too Hot to die! I don't wanna die!!" You grabbed both of her Shoulders and shook her. " We. Are. Not. Gonna. Die!" You said in-between Shakes. " You just need to calm down, I'll handle this." You told her, Finally getting her to Calm down. You Flicked her Sunglasses down so that she was Wearing them Properly and then Turned over to the Window to see the Police Car just Zoom Past the Van.
" Oh. See? It wasn't even for Us." " Oh thank God.. I'm gonna sleep, Wake me up when we get to the University." Barb turned around in her Seat and curled up in a Fetal Position, which was Kind of Cute to Watch if you're being Honest. You Pulled out from the side of the Road and continued to Drive.


Barb Shot awake and Pushed herself up, Completely Flustered about whatever the Hell she just Dreamed about. Although she quickly regretted it when a Giant Headache slammed into her. She groaned and held her Head, Noticing how Hot her Cheeks felt. Her eyes darted to her Bedside table and saw a Note. After a Minute of looking at it, waiting for her Headache to go away a Bit, She grabbed it and Looked it over.

Well, Well, How the TurnTables
So, if you don't remember anything, Basically You took me out to this Bar called Centaur Stables and got So Drunk you Started a Fight with this Biker Dude that was 5 times your Size. He Punched the Shit out of you(Probably thinking you where a Dude) and I had to drag you out of there so you wouldn't get Killed.
Needless to say: We probably aren't Welcome there Ever again.
I haven't opened those Hangover Meds you got me that night After the Party, so I set them on your Table for you.

PS: I stole your Phone for a While when we got back to the Dorm. You have a Cute Dog :D

Barb set the letter down and looked over at her Table, Grabbing the Hangover Meds. She opened it up and Took one of the Tiny Packets that these little Blue Tablets where in. She opened that up and Popped the Tablet into her Mouth before getting out of her bed. She was still a bit Flustered about her... Wet Dream she had about You and her, But she was Sure that She'd get over it by the End of the Day.


Not much happens in this Chapter, Sorry 😭

Also, Suki is in a Poly Relationship in this Book, I really want to say that because I think that it's a cute idea(and Because Poly Relationships aren't really a Thing on here, which sucks for me, because I think that Poly Relationships are cute) and I'll be getting to that part in.. a few Chapters I think.
Decided to put that here because.. idk, I guess as a Heads up or Something

Okay, Bye-

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