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I dragged the chalk along the floor, chanting softly under my breath. Surely, this wouldn't work, but what was the harm in trying?

I lit each candle, one at each point of the pentagram. The dead pigeon my cat caught was in the centre, a poor placeholder for a goat. I kept chanting until my candle burnt out.

It was pitch black for a good ten seconds, and I sighed. Of course it wasn't gonna work!

But then, it happened.

A bright flash of purple light illuminated the room, and I couldn't see anything for a second or two. Then it was dark.

'Jeez, let's shine a light in here.' He said, flame springing spontaneously from his fingertips. 'Now where's the SWITCH.'

He turned to me. 'Ah, there it is.' I thought that maybe he was making a gay joke, but then he flipped me onto my head and the light turned on. 'Much better.'

'Who are you?' I said, scrambling up.

'You know who I am already; the question is who are YOU?' He replied, pointing a flaming finger at me. 'Oops, I forgot to blow it out.' He proceeded to try to, but it just burned blue. 'Bloody hell, breathing natural gas is a nightmare!' He laughed an evil laugh. 'Help me out, would you?' I blew out his finger uncertainly.

'There we go! Now; what contract would you like to make here today?' A suit materialised onto his body, and, reaching up his ass in a manner that shouldn't have been possible, he pulled a pair of glasses out and placed them on his nose.

'I would like you to be friends with me in return for my soul.' The words came out less confident than I wanted- what was all the practicing in the mirror for?

'Consider it done.' He said, reaching to shake my hand. Then, seeing my expression, he coughed up a wet wipe and wiped it down. 'Shake it.' So I did.

It was the strangest experience. Without my hand hurting at all, he drew out some blood and solidified it, then popped it into an inkpot. 'Here; write.' He passed me a quill that he pulled from my pocket and the contract that seemed to grow out of his fingertips. I dipped the quill into the now- liquid blood and signed my name at the bottom of the contract.

'Hi.' He smiled. 'I'm Lucifer. You can call me Lucy.'

'Hi Lucy,' I smiled back nervously. 'I'm Akira.'

In Love with LuciferWhere stories live. Discover now