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Lisa stared in shock at the YouTube video. It was a video of her sitting with other idols at the MMAs.

What shocked her was that it was the scene where Hanbi was starring at Lisa intensely. The video pointed out that her members were also glaring at Hanbi. Including a few other BTS members.

But what caught her eye was Jungkook. He was staring at Hanbi, actually, more like glaring at him. Lisa shook her head.

It can't be.

Jennie casually strolled into the living room where Lisa was lounging.

"Hey unnie." Lisa muttered.


Lisa looked at Jennie, hesitating if she should ask her the question.

"Um unnie, remember that day at the MMAs? Where Hanbi was staring at me weirdly?" Jennie almost chocked in her water.

"What....about....it?" She asked between coughs.

"Why were you and the others glaring at him?"

Jennie paused for a moment.

"If he stares at you, the fans will get the wrong idea." Lisa nodded immediately knowing what her unnie meant.

"But did you see that some BTS members were also glaring at Hanbi?"

"Like who?"

Lisa bit her lip, "Taehyung and Jungkook." She muttered rather quickly.

This time, Jennie almost spit her water out.

"WHAT?!!?!" Jennie screamed before calming down.

"Do you know that this may cause the fans to, ya know..." Jennie whispered for no reason.

Lisa nodded but showed her the video.

"They already know unnie. We can't stop them now." Lisa replied sadly.

Jennie sighed before patting her back.

"Just don't make the same mistake twice." Lisa nodded knowing Jennie refereeing to her past.

"I'll try."

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