SSM- Erin Quinn

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You are 16 years old and Erin's twin.
Your name is Y/N Quinn.
Plot: You have a heart to heart talk with your younger sister.
Your POV:
We had just been kicked out of Dennis' shop because Erin can't control her big mouth and she said something that he didn't like. As we were walking out I noticed David Donnelly (my sister's biggest crush) putting posters up. I mentally kicked myself because I know if I don't do something she's going to make a massive fool out of herself and that's more than likely not what she wants to do in front of her crush.

I was trying to think of what I should do when I heard Erin saying "Oh my god, it's David, David Donnelly."

I literally didn't think this day could get worse and then she digs herself a bigger hole by telling us all to act normal.

I make her aware that we are by saying"Erin, were not the ones making ourselves noticed. You are by acting strange."

After the whole fiasco I decided to have a talk with her.

"Erin, can I talk to you please?" I asked making sure I didn't raise my voice making her feel uncomfortable.

"Why Y/N?" She questioned sounding a bit worried.

"You need to start being more careful with the way you act and the things you say especially in front of your crush. You don't want him thinking your stupid do you?" I interrogated honestly feel so much sympathy for her.

"No." She could barely speak any louder than a whisper because she was upset.

"Your not stupid Erin and you'll have no trouble because if It is meant to be it'll work out because you are so beautiful inside and out. Yeah?" I say with a lot of emotion because it hurts knowing that I've upset her.

"Your right Y/N. Thank you for making me realise." She replied with a bit of a smile.

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