SSM- Michelle Mallon

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You are 2 years younger than Michelle.
Your name is Y/N Mallon.
Prompt: she feels the need to protect you.
(A/N: To be honest I don't even know what this one is about. It's a bit random.)
Your POV:
At school I was bullied because I enjoyed being myself. Honestly I've learned that's the worst thing you can do in Derry. It didn't alter me though I still stayed the same old
Y/N. With my sister it's a different story though. She wants me to change. Why should I change to suit everyone else? It's my life I can live it how I like. If my own family can't except that then I guess that's up to them. 

When I arrived at school I noticed that the girl who bullies me was stood in her usual spot. I tried to walk past without getting noticed, but no little old me had to get noticed didn't I? When they caught a glimpse of me they started laughing hysterically. It's really uncomfortable being in a school full of people who don't respect me.

Once she had finished with insulting me I go inside because I can't deal with anymore drama today. Well, I was going to go inside but then I heard my older sisters voice.

"Hey, dickface. What did you just say to my little sister?" Michelle quizzed literally looking so pissed.

My bully, Molly was absolutely speechless so she could only muster up enough courage to respond with, "N...Nothing. Me and Y/N are best friends."

I decided to make my appearance. "Molly we are not friends. We never have been and never will be."

This just infuriated Michelle even more, "So not only do you decide not to tell the truth. You make it even worse by saying the girl you have bullied is your best friend. Is it just because she's different and she doesn't care? She's braver than any of us."

I thank my sister for sticking up for me. I didn't think she ever would actually, to be honest with ya.

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