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Y/n:"There's a clocktower in Vale where the bravest souls take on a persistent foe that doesn't leave us alone..."


Chaos:Come On Lillia! Stay with me! MEDIC!

She Was Dying...But Chaos Trying Anything To Save Her Life...all because of an Enchanted arrow on her chest.


Y/n:"We try to save our comrades even if their faces fade from our memories......


Lillia:C-chaos.....i'm sorry....I will still be at your side...cheering you up.....


Chaos:Oh no no no! Lillia! Lillia! No no!

Lillia:T-take....care..of h-her...

His Face Darkened..


Then She Passed Away.....Chaos...Hung His Head In Grief....Y/n Comforted him..

Y/n:I'm sorry......


Y/n:"Those memories are all that's left,when those Beacon bastards And The ----- Of The ----- Fuckers have took everything us.....they took only one who make Chaos happy.....the girl...the one who cheered him up when he's negatively depressed..."

Cpt.Anderson:What Happened?

Y/n:They Killed Lillia......She's Gone Captain..

Cpt.Anderson:What do you need from me lad?

Y/n:Fighters that I could trust...we're sending those bastards to hell..

Cpt.Anderson:And Chaos?

Y/n:He Wants Them Dead By His Bullets...For Lillia....

Y/n:Hows The Twin Girls?

Cpt.Anderson:First One Is Well Skilled With Assault Rifles And Tactical Shotguns,The Other One Wants To Follow Chaos And Lillia's Steps.

Y/n:You mean she wanted to become a Sniper Like Him?


Y/n:Any Intel Of Beacon?

Cpt.Anderson:Our Scouts And Their Drone Snapped a pIc on The Place...Seems Now It's Heavily Guarded. like a Bloody Fortress On Lockdown. Guarded with Atlas Soldiers, Students, professional Huntsmen and Order's Knights(Some of the guards in Isa's sky city is now Jesse's lackeys.)...only one way in and out is the sewers...inside is heavily guarded...

Cpt.Anderson: What's this your sending me.

(Y/n's Weapons)

(Y/n's Weapons)

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 04, 2020 ⏰

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