ksimon~ morning sickness

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every morning, I was throwing up, and I hated it. well, I knew that it came with what was happening. you see, I have a secret, that all the sidemen know, except my boyfriend Simon. I can conceive children, and I am pregnant. 7 weeks to be exact. Simon always said that he wanted natural born children, that are our blood, but we were both gay. he also said, that he would love to be a guy who can carry children, so its not like he will hate me. I was going to tell Simon later, when I got back to the sidemen house, as I was staying with my friend Hannah. she knew about this pregnancy, and she was so glad. I was just finished throwing up, and I was brushing my teeth to get ready for the journey to the sidemen house. I was already dressed before I threw up, and I couldn't be bothered to change, especially as there was no sick on me. "Han? can you drive me to the sidemen house please? I would but I dont feel safe driving while this little bean is growing inside me." "sure JJ, give me a minute, and I'll drive you ok?" "thanks Hun, I owe you."

 "no problem mate, just promise me first cuddles with the little bean after you and Simon ok?" I just chuckled and replied "ok Hannah." and with that, we both got into the car. it wasn't a long drive, but my throwing up session had caused my body to be weak, as it will do for the next few months. I zoned out staring out of the window, apparently for the whole 10 minute drive, as I was snapped out of my thoughts by "JJ, we're here now. quickly, or I'll be late to work" I jumped out the car, and a wave of sickness came over me. I knew it was only a matter of minutes before I threw up again, so I shoved my key in the door, and immediately ran up to my bathroom to be sick, getting a concerned glance from Josh. I did my best to shout "gunna be sick" hoping Josh heard me. I ran into my room, and opened the bathroom. as soon as I had gotten situated in front of the toilet, I started puking my guts up, and felt a gentle hand on my back. I knew it wasn't Simons, as he was out for the morning filming a video with Harry, Ethan, Tobi and Vik so it had to be Josh. unless someone else was here, and I didn't know.

 "what's gotten you this sick JJ?" Josh spoke. I finished throwing up and leaned back into him. "mmmphhh" was all I could manage to get out. "you aren't pregnant are you?" Josh joked, helping me up, lifting me and placing me on my bed. the last few weeks had consisted of me throwing up twice per day, then laying in bed all day after and I knew today would be the same. when I gave him a glare at his joke, he said "I was only joking JJ. sorry." he said and went to leave I just sighed knowing that the glare was a start of my mood changes" yeah." I said, replying to his joke earlier. he turned around and said "huh? what do you me...wait!" he said, eyes growing wide and a smile tugging at his face. "I'm pregnant." I smiled. "and I need your help to tell Simon" "ok, what do we do." Josh asked, smirk tugging away at his lips. "ok. we are going to bake cupcakes, half pink half blue, ok? then, you ask all the others, including Simon and I ' boy or girl?' when they get confused, just go 'what do you want your first kid to be, a boy or girl.' I will reply 'i want. it to be a baby' to get everyone's attention, and then rub my stomach smiling. see if the others catch on."

 "great plan. but where do the cupcakes come into it?" "well, if the first plan doesn't work, we will give them the cupcakes, and they will be iced saying 'uncle Ethan, 8 months left' or whoever's name, and for Simon, it will say 'daddy to be.'" "ok, makes sense now. how far along are you?" "7 weeks. Josh, can you help me to the kitchen please? the boys should be home in an hour and a half, so that gives us time to bake and decorate." and with that, we were baking. we made 28 cupcakes, meaning 4 each. an hour had passed, and we had iced the cupcakes, which were now sitting in the fridge. not even 5 minutes later, the boys walked in and they came immediately to the kitchen. "oooh smells nice. what did you make?" Vik asked. "cupcakes." I replied. the 7 of us were now sat around the kitchen island, and Josh 'randomly' asked "boy or girl?" "huh?" they all replied in sync "do you want your first child to be a boy or girl?" there were mutters of "boys" and "girls" all around the island, and then everyone was looking at me. "I want it to be a baby" I said, rubbing my belly and smiling. 

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