Vobi~ I Forgive You Baby

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I did something bad. Extremely bad. I shouldn't have done it but I couldn't help myself. Tobi and I had been dating for 2 years now, and I decided I wanted to get a dog. Or a cat. Or both. I asked Tobi if we could and he said no because they take up too much time and money and space. I was annoyed at him so I shouted "FINE! I'M GOING OUT. I'M NOT COMING HOME TONIGHT! I HATE YOU! " and walked out, but not be for he said "babe, wait!" I huffed. This might not seem that bad to you, but I never argued with Tobi or walked out, let alone shouted at him, or anyone for that matter. I walked to the sidemen house, but on the way there was a pet shop. I didn't go in but I stopped to look at the cute puppies and kittens that I liked the look of. I turned to see if people were around me to see if they saw me crying because I felt bad for shouting at Tobi, but the only person I see is Tobi, running to catch up with me. I felt bad, yes, but I was mad at him, so I kept walking but not before I stuck 2 sticky notes to the window saying. One day I want this puppy and this kitten". When I arrived at the sidemen house, I had tears still constantly streaming down my face that wouldn't go away. I knocked on the door, and Simon immediately opened it, and noticed the tears on my face. "Vik what's wrong what happened? Did you and Tobi have an argument?" I began to cry harder. By now, Josh, Harry, JJ and Ethan were at the door too. "kind of. I asked Tobi if we could get a dog and a cat, and he said no so I shouted at him  that I was going out and not going home tonight and that I hated him" I'm sorry I didn't mean to shout at him I was mad at him and then he came following me so I ran here. I don't know what to do" I cried into JJs shoulder as we were sat in the living room now. We sat like this for ten minutes before there was a knock at the door. "I'll get it" Josh spoke. He got up and walked to the door, and opened it and then I heard Josh shout for me. "Vik! There's a delivery for you!" I got up to see what it was and I saw Tobi standing there with a puppy and a kitten in his arms, and a big smile on his face. But... They were the ones I wanted. I couldn't help but let the tears fall freely. However this time they were tears of Joy. "Tobi! How did you know! And why. I thought you didn't want any pets" I said with a big smile on my face. "because I know how much it meant to you to get a dog and a cat and I saw the sticky notes you left which had your writing on them. And I have another surprise for you" he said as he passed the puppy and kitten to JJ and Simon. He got down on one knee and said "Vik I've loved you for as long as I can remember and now I have you, I can love you more if its even possible. Every day there's always something new to love about you, whether you pick up on something someone else says, or whatever you do that's not normally what you do. And when I said no to you, my heart broke because I knew how much this meant to you. When you said you hated me, in fact, when you said all those things, I could see that you regretted them instantly, but when you are mad, even if you regret something, you still do what you say you will do. And I knew I had to make it up to you. I can't be alone without you for a whole night. I never could and never will. So I was wondering, Vik, will you marry me?" I was crying harder now and I don't know what happened, but I... Fainted. When I woke up, I woke up in a strange room with bright lights. It was like a... No, it was a hospital. But why was I here. I looked around in the hopes of finding someone I knew but there was only a doctor. I sat up and said "excuse me, doctor? Why am I in here?" "ah Mr barn. You're awake. It appears that you fainted because you're pregnant. Approximately 7 months along. Do you want me to get your partner and friends so you can tell them the news? You were asleep for the last 16 hours" uh yeah please" I  spoke groggily at having just woken up. I laid back down because of a headache that just suddenly appeared and I felt too weak to sit up. A minute later, Tobi and the rest of the sidemen came in and sat on the chairs while Tobi sat next to me and held my hand. "hey baby, I was so worried. What happened? You just fainted so suddenly. Are you ill?" I giggled. "I dunno Tubby. I remember being at the sidemen house, upset cuz I shouted at you, then you surprise me with a kitten and a puppy, and then... You proposed to me. Jeez I even managed to mess that up for you too didn't I. And no I'm not ill. I think you will freak out more at this though" "believe me babe, you didn't mess it up for me, you never mess things up for me. But to answer my question, will you marry me? And if you aren't ill, what happened?" I smiled widely. "yes Tob's I will marry you. You might not wanna marry me after this, and I understand if you wanna kick me out of the sidemen after I tell you this, but I just found out myself..." "what is it?" Ethan asked desperately. "well, I'm 7 months pregnant. I dunno how it works buy I am. And I'm sorry I'm a freak. If you want me to leave the Sidemen, I will" "no mate, we aren't kicking you out of the sidemen. It's cute that you can have children of your own. It's not like Simon and I or Harry and Josh can, or Ethan and lux, is it so it's amazing. We're all gunna be uncles" JJ spoke. "uh actually, JJ, I'm pregnant too. 3 months" Simon answered. "and Harry, so am I. 6 weeks" Josh said "and lux doesn't know yet but I am 5 weeks along" Ethan replied. "so... We are the pregnant gang?" Simon spoke. "well, Vik, I can't believe that we are going to be daddies and get married. And be uncles. This is insane. I love you so much baby. So so much." everyone laughed. The doctor walked in a minute later and said "Well Vik, you can be discharged now but since you are nearing your due date, you have to take it easy so as not to distress the babies" "y-you mean there's two?" "no, actually there's three" I had tears of Joy in my eyes as well as everyone else. Oh my god I couldn't believe it. I was having triplets and I didn't even know about it. We went home and Tobi immediately put me on bed rest other than letting me go to the toilet, shower, and go for walks for an hour a day. At about 8 months on one of the walks, Tobi said "hey, Vik, I know it's not really ideal, but we only live in a one bedroom flat, and we can't fit 3 kids in our room with us, so JJ suggested that we move into the sidemen house since there's only 4 people living there and there are 10 bedrooms. Ethan lives in a 3 bedroom flat with cal so they are te ok for space, and JJ said we can have his old room which has enough room for us, the triplets and all our stuff. What do you think?" "if you think it's best for us, then of course! But can we please go to our check up?" "OK babe, we're basically there now so we can get a taxi home ok, in fact I think the other sidemen are on their way to pack our stuff up and take it to the sidemen house so we don't need to do it. We just need to go straight to the sidemen hours OK?" Tobi spoke as we walked in to sign in. 5 minutes later we were called into the office and the doctor said "OK guys, so your here for an 8 month checkup because you didn't know you were pregnant. And it's triplets huh?" she put the gel kind of thing on my belly and started my 8 month scan, and we saw and heard the heartbeats of our four child... Wait 4? "what! There's 4 babies?" I asked, tears of joy in my eyes. "it appears so Mr barn and Mr brown, congratulations. Everyone is healthy and everything is OK. However you may go into labour in the next 2-3 weeks as its common for that to happen with quads. It could happen as early as three days though. If you want it to hold off for the next few weeks, stay in bed other than going to the toilet and shower ok?" "thanks doctor Roberts." I said, walking out with to is hand I. Mine and the scan of the quads in the other hand. We got in a taxi and took the short 10 minute drive to the house and when we pulled up, we saw JJ and Simon waiting for us. I got out of the car and Simon immediately rushed over and asked how it went. "all 4 are healthy, and I might go into labour in the next 2-3 weeks but it can start as early as three days time. I can't wa... Ooh ow"
"babe? You ok?" Tobi asked as I felt a gush of wet liquid run down my leg" "um n-no. Is now a bad time to say my waters have broken?" I laughed slightly. Then the other three came out to see what all the fuss was about. "Harry, get the hospital bag, Ethan get my car and bring it round to the front, Josh, you drive Ethan and Harry JJ and Simon you drive Vik and I ok?" I could tell he was panicking, and he should be. His babies are a month premature. But I'm not panicking, I know that there's nothing to worry about. I have a good feeling that they are all going to survive. I had no doubt. Ethan pulled up at the front of the house as Harry came out with the hospital bag and JJ immediately got into the driving seat, Simon in the passenger seat, and me in the back with Tobi holding his hand through the pain. Luckily the hospital was only 15 minutes away and JJ was given permission from our police friends to speed in emergencies so we only took 7 minutes to get there. When we pulled up, I got a really strong contraction, which caused me to double over in pain and someone picked me up rushing into the hospital. "hi, my fiancée just went into labour a month early" Tobi said. "ok sir, come with me" she said while walking into a hospital room, Tobi following behind her. He Laid me on the bed, JJ and Simon sat on the chairs and Tobi laid beside me as I had my contractions. I didn't want to tell Tobi this in the taxi home incase it was braxton hicks because I didn't want to worry him but when my water broke, I had to tell him. A minute later, Ethan and Harry came in, Josh following after. The nurse came in 2 minutes later and said "right Mr barn, I need to check if you are fully dilated or not" she walked over and put a pare of gloves on and immediately felt how dilated I was. I thought it couldn't be that much because this had only been going on for 15 minutes but I was wrong. "right Mr barn, time to start pushing." "what? It's too soon. I can't. It's to... Arghhhhhhhhh!!! Fuck you Tobi Brown, you bastard, you did this to me. Never touch me again I swear." I yelled as I pushed hard. "and again love" "AAAARRRGGGHHHHHHH!!!" FUCK!" "that's it hun, you're nearly there, just 2 more pushes ok mate?" I sighed, knowing it would be the same for the next 3 births. "AAHHHHHHH" I screamed. "OK sweetie, one more push" "ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH"
I heard the cries of my first born baby. "it's a girl" JJ said. I let out a breath as my little girl was placed on my shirtless chest. "hi baby girl, I'm your daddy and I'm going to be your favourite man in the world for the next 18 years." I whispered, then spoke out loud. "Tob's what do we call her?" "I was thinking maybe London Christina barn?" "gotta be brown but it's a perfect name. London Christina brown. Gorgeous na... Oh fuck here we go again" I spoke as the nurse took London to the nursery. This should be an easier one for you as its the second ok, so just let it  This ti. E you can just breathe through it. It should make it easier" the midwife said. So that's what I did. I panted my way through the first push, taking a 30 second break In between before breathing through the next push. "ok this one should be here on this next one" I panted again until I heard the cries of my... "it's a boy" my little boy. "Jace River brown" I whispered. "it's perfect baby, like you." tobi cried. The others smiled as Simon held London and Harry took Jace. I knew the next two were girls and I knew one of them wanted out so I began to push again, and again, and again. Three pushes it took for our second little girl to be born. "say a name on 3?" I suggested, as Tobi agreed. "3,2,1" "Everleigh Rose" "Everleigh Rose" we smiled. Then I pushed again, again, again and once more, and our third little girl was born. We decided to let the other 5 choose the name for her and they sat for 10 minutes trying to decide a name, lways arguing how bad a name the other had chosen sounded. Well that was until JJ said "what about posie Reign?" "I never thought I'd hear myself say this, but I agree with JJ" Josh said causing everyone to laugh and agree. So that was it. We had our 4 beautiful children.

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