behzstar~ unaware I exist.

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I Love him. I love the sidemen, but not the way I love him. he doesn't know I exist in that sense. it is painful to know he doesn't notice me the way I notice Et-him. ok, look. obviously you know from my rookie mistake that I am in love With Ethan. none of the Sidemen know I am gay. but Ethan, he has the courage to open up, and be proud of himself. he is fearless. I can see why he doesn't know I exist in the way I want him to. I'm scared of anything, and I am fearful. complete opposites. I knew that before I tell anyone about my feelings for Ethan, I need to come out to everyone. I start a group call and immediately everyone answers. I only say one sentence. I say "be at mine in half an hour. I need to speak to you all." then I hang up. my nerves are getting to me and I feel like I cant tell them. they are supportive and all that,  but I cant help feel like they will reject me. these thoughts run through my head for 20 minutes, and I cant stop crying. no matter how hard I try, they wont stop falling. another ten minutes pass and I am still crying. there is a knock at the door. 

I wipe my eyes to try to remove the tears, but they are still falling stronger than before so I give up on trying and answer the door, and turning around so they cant see my face but obviously, my body has to let out a choked sob and everyone has to hear it. "Vik? you ok?" JJ says. its no use hiding my face now, so I turn around and look him in the eyes, and as they meet his, his expression saddens, and he pulls me into a hug. I cry into his chest and Simon speaks "hey, hey. Vik, whats got you so worked up? are you ok? talk to me. talk to us." I sniffle and pull out of JJ's hug, and sigh. "it isn't that big of a deal, I just got a bit scared while thinking about all the ways you could react to what I am going to tell you, but I know you wont react that way" "you haven't got some girl pregnant have you?" Ethan asks, laughing at his joke. I mumble "cant do that if I'm gay can I?" only Josh hears, and I am glad because I want him to talk to me about it first, because I am scared. I look him in the eyes and hint at him to help when he says "Vik" and he catches on. "can I speak to you quickly. it's urgent"

he drags me into my bedroom, and immediately I start crying. "I-I am so sorry I didn't speak to you befor Josh, you are my best friend and I didn't even tell you one of  my biggest secrets the other being I am in love with Ethan, yet you told me your biggest secret about having cancer for 8 years when you were 5. I'm a shit friend." "Vik listen to me. its ok, I understand why you didn't wanna speak to me, but the cancer wasn't my biggest secret. that is why I wanted to speak to you. and I know you are in love with Ethan. thats why I have a plan" "w-what do you mean." "I am gay too, and I love Tobi. we can come out together, and since Ethan cant see you love him, we will come out as 'a couple'. I think it would work. " "really Josh? you are gay too? if I had known, I would have come to you ages ago! and this is why you're my best friend!" "great. so shall we come out to them now? e will have to kiss and hug aswell, is that ok?" "sure. I dont have a problem with it if you dont. good, lets go." we walk out and the other 5 are sitting on the sofa. "you ok now Vik?" Simon asks

"yeah. sorry, I was overreacting. I'm ready to tell you now. your question earlier Ethan, what was it?" "you haven't got some girl pregnant have you?" "oh yeah that was the question. well, considering the circumstances, it wouldn't be possible." "huh?" JJ asks, everyone has a look of confusion over their face. Josh tuts and rolls his eyes like it was the most obvious thing in the world. "he's dating me idiot" he says pulling me into his chest and I lean up and kiss him. the looks change from confused to shocked but happy, however, one did stand out. Ethan's jealous look. "jeez! how the fuck did you hide it for so long. congrats man" is Simon's response, and JJ says "faaaammm. anyone else gay? fuck it, since this is happening right now, I am bi." Tobi speaks next "well duh, we hear that every time you are screaming 'DADDY! HARDER! YESS DADDY!' and then we hear Simon screaming your name and moaning so loud, its unreal. are you also gay Harry? I mean, I am too." "well yeah Tobi. I already told you this." Harry replies. "good point" Tobi says. 

"hold up, are we going to ignore the fact that Tobi's impression of me as absolute shit?" JJ asks. "yeah because we hear the same from you, and the impression was spot on" Josh says and we all laugh. "also, we have only been dating for three weeks, but we plan on growing old together" I say hugging Josh again, who kisses my head. I look at Ethan, and he looks angry. "I have to go to the toilet." he mumbles walking to the bathroom. I whisper to Josh "I think it's working. I'm gonna go check on him." and then I walk to the bathroom. I hear crying so I say "Eth, whats wrong?" "nothing" "look, I may be dumb, but I can tell you, I know something is bothering you, and I want you to speak to me." he opens the door and pulls me into the bathroom "ok, look. 1, you are not dumb, you are the smartest person I know. 2, Josh's love for you hurts me. I never will get to..." he trails off. "get to what?" "never mind" "GET TO WHAT ETHAN!" "LOVE YOU LIKE HE DOES! THERE I SAID IT." I was shocked. he really does love me. then I laugh. "whats so funny." "sorry, but I cant believe it! Josh expected this plan to take a month or two to work." 

"w-what?" "oh, honey! he planned for us to fake date to make you jealous so you would confess your undying love for me." "am I just a joke to you" he askes, tears brimming his eyes. "oh! no, that isn't why I was laughing. I was laughing, because I love you too. I was just shocked that with your confidence, it took making you jealous." "for fucks sake! I cant believe you. I love you so much Vik. more than words can say. unless I was a poet, then maybe words could say, but I'm not, so they cant say." I laugh. he leans up to me, nearly putting our lips together, but stopping to say "stop me" I reply saying "I dont wanna" and then our lips meet. it lasts a couple of seconds, before JJ knocks on the door. "everything ok in here?" we open the door and walk out and over to the rest of the group. "so... did it work?" Josh asks. "did what work?" the other boys ask. "ok, yes Josh it did. Josh and I were never dating, Josh wanted to make Ethan jealous by pretending, so that Ethan would confess his mutual feelings for me. so that leaves one question" I say as the others smile. "Ethan, will you be my boyfriend" "hmmm. nah" he jokes.

I joke back. "I guess I will go back to josh huh?" I say walking to Josh and leaning up to "kiss him" only to get pulled back down by Ethan. he spins me around and Kisses me, then pulls away, saying "of course I will." Josh pouts, jokingly saying "hey... no fair. I want kissies!" and I know a secret. Tobi is also in love with Josh. but since Josh doesn't know this, it comes as a surprise to him when Tobi walks over, and says "fine" then crashes his lips to Josh's. when Tobi notices he isn't Kissing back, he says "kiss then" and that's all it takes for Josh to start kissing. when they pull apart, Josh is speechless and Tobi just smirks. "I love you Josh, I always have" josh can only whisper "I-I love you too." "awww you are so cute when you blush!" Tobi says. then Harry speaks up. "well, you are all so cute in your little couples, I am going to go throw up now." "you're just jealous that you are single!" Ethan retaliates "who says I am. my boyfriend wont appreciate that Ethan." he just blushes so I lean in and kiss his cheek. "I love you so much bhezzyboo" "I love you too star"

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