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Sitting on the edge of a building, with a book in her hands and her gaze lost in the city, Yashiro thought about the challenges ahead as her gray eyes lingered on the tall, thin, imposing Public Safety Bureau building in the distance and the surrounding skyscrapers.

Getting to her feet, she walked to the rooftop door putting the book away and slung her backpack on her back. Then she stopped and turned around again, running to the edge and jumping towards a building two meters away below.

She kept running, jumping over air conditioning units installed to climate the building's interiors. She stopped at a narrow edge for several seconds before jumping over the next building, landing on her feet on a wall. Resting a hand on it to lower herself to the ground, she continued running down the outside hallway.

Crossing a door, she entered another empty hallway where she turned left, and walked to catch her breath. She opened another door and came to an all-white office, with synthetic plants and a column that read the name of a company. A man in a suit using his cell phone in front of a counter looked up at her.

Yashiro touched a button on the wall and waited for the elevator. A young woman sitting at the counter raised her head and looked at her from behind a glass, but it was the man who began to approach. When Yashiro entered the elevator with a quick movement, she pressed the sub-floor button. The man stopped and frowned at the sight of her beige skirt and white blouse crumpled as the door closed. Yashiro turned to the elevator mirror, tossing long strands of brown hair back.

Reaching the basement, she walked down another neat hallway until she reached the street. There was a lot of movement and noise in Tokyo at that time of the morning, and she mingled among the people crossing a small square and approaching the street. Cars were coming and going, and buildings had huge billboards with neon lights.

Finally, with quick, casual steps, she reached the entrance of the Oso Academy. At that moment, Yashiro felt alive, connected to every part of the city she had walked through. It was as if every jump and every movement had released something inside her. The school had walls and trees surrounding it and separating it from the city like a medieval fortress that contrasted with the modernism outside.

She hurried her pace, crossing the garden decorated by a central statue and returning the greetings of some students she met on her way. As Yashiro passed, people turned to watch her. Some would glare at her, suddenly wary. They could not explain why they did so. Two by two she climbed the steps of the wide staircase. The principal's office was medium-sized, with a dark gray floor and beige walls. The furniture was clean and in perfect condition. There was a bookshelf and some pictures related to the history of the academy. When Yashiro entered the room, the face framed by a light gray lock beard of the principal, who was dressed in a black suit, focused on her.

"Takahashi-san, thank you for coming. Please have a seat. We have some important matters we need to discuss."

The principal smiled, clasping his hands on his desk, but the silence lingered, waiting for an apology that never came. Yashiro gazed at the man standing at the side of the office. Wearing a black vest, red tie and white shirt, Touma Kouzaburou watched her with a serious expression, between brown locks that fell to the mole under his left eye. Taking a seat, she turned to the principal, who cleared his voice.

"First, we have noticed that you have been missing some exams without giving any justification and arriving late to class. This is not acceptable in our school, where a high level of discipline and responsibility is expected. You have always been an excellent student in all subjects, can you explain why this has been happening?"

"I have been busy with other projects and personal commitments. I take responsibility."

"I understand that we all face challenges in life. I appreciate your honesty about that. But it's important that you find a way to manage them without affecting your academic performance. We are here to support you, but you need to communicate with us if you face problems that affect your studies. You have been an exemplary student so far, and it would be a shame to see your performance suffer in these last few months. I urge you to strive to maintain academic excellence to the end."

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