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Rikako's hand danced gently over the paper, her gaze flickering between the seated figure in the distance and her sketch. She pondered whether any details needed adjustment or if she should continue as is. The hand proved the most challenging, its analytical pose accentuating the allure of the thin lips and slightly pointed nose. Silver eyes narrowed, bathed in the streaming daylight from the wide classroom window, and a faint smile graced her subject's face.

"Ever since our encounter with that classmate, your smile seems to be a constant," Rikako remarked in a hushed tone.

Yashiro's gaze remained fixed on the sky.

"It saddens me to witness young girls burdened with the societal pressure of marriage and childbearing..."

"Our views on Oso Academy's educational stance appear to align," Rikako mused, lowering her gaze. "It's perplexing, isn't it? In an era where women have the chance to transcend the roles of their predecessors, who were primarily defined by motherhood. Parenthood carries immense responsibility. Choosing to become a parent is akin to sacrificing oneself for the sake of a child's life, wherein the end becomes the child."

A weighty silence hung between them. Yashiro's lips parted slightly as a soft smile graced her face.

"But you're still a teenager!" Yashiro furrowed her brows and shook her head. "Who'll care for you in old age? You might change your mind in a few years and settle down, have kids..."

Their exchange culminated in shared smiles and laughter. Yashiro rose to her feet and approached Rikako.

"Oh, uh, that's... it's not finished yet," Rikako said.

Yashiro halted before the portrait, studying her own likeness. Her eyes met Rikako's, who returned the gaze with a smile. The sudden sound of a door swinging open shattered the moment.

"Takahashi-san! Uh... am I interrupting something?"

Yashiro's smile faded, attention drawn to the voice. A young woman with brown hair tied in a ponytail stood at the doorway, hesitating to enter. She was a classmate named Hamada Saori.

"Not at all! Please, come in."

After a brief pause, Hamada entered, a smile forming. As she approached, her gaze shifted between Yashiro and Rikako, with Yashiro positioned before Rikako.

"Apologies if I'm intruding, but have you heard about the murder?"

Yashiro glanced to the side, her mind retracing its steps to the image of politician Ryoji Hashida. She recalled seeing photos of a restaurant garden, and since then, chaos had enveloped the news. The man had sent shockwaves through society. Regaining her composure, she turned her attention back to Hamada.

"What about it?"

Hamada's eyes widened, her skin paling. Her gaze remained fixed on the floor as she hesitated.

"I don't know if it's true, but... rumors are circulating. Word has it that the Public Safety Bureau is investigating the academy, searching for an insider."

Yashiro arched an eyebrow, allowing silence to stretch within the classroom. She glanced at Rikako, confirming her similar reaction.

Though Oso Academy imposed numerous restrictions, it remained susceptible due to its conservative nature. Technological advancements and science burgeoned, yet security cameras remained absent. Yashiro exhaled slowly.

"Is anyone else aware of this?" Rikako inquired, looking up.

Hamada shook her head.

"Media outlets may await a psycho hazard to make headlines. The academy might enact its standard containment measures against viral news," Yashiro noted.

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