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Fingers moved with precision and grace, like a conductor orchestrating an intricate symphony. Beside the cold metallic table, Touma's attention was entranced by the dance of digits, as if they were translating melodies from another realm. In his mind's soundscape, he discerned the delicate notes of a sonata, each movement resonating with a harmonious rhythm.

Redirecting his gaze from the spectacle that lay upon the blood-smeared gray surface, Touma's focus shifted to the pale and fragile form sprawled before him. His keen eyes rested on the clenched, trembling hands of his captive creation.

"You're still alive?" Touma's voice held a peculiar blend of surprise and amusement. The sound of a latex glove snapping resonated, punctuating the heavy silence that enveloped them. Blood stained his gloved hands, a testament to his artistry in this theater. "Did you know that music possesses the power to modulate heart rate, respiration, and even blood pressure?"

"Why... are you doing this? Do you truly think... I'll beg you to let me live? You'll pay for your sins," Altoromagi's words were a mere whisper, his eyes shut tight against the glaring light. He shifted his gaze towards Touma with a lethargic effort, his movements betraying his weakened state.

Touma's lips curved upward, a smile that mirrored a conductor savoring the crescendo of his symphony. Laughter, like music, flowed from his lips and reverberated within the room.

"Your words imply a connection to some higher plane," Touma's tone dripped with disdain. "Yet, the role of arbiter is not yours to claim. Where is your god now? For wherever he is, he just loves this."

Aligned with his own internal symphony, Touma's fingers sought their instrument from an adjacent metal surface. A knife blade glistened, each droplet of blood resembling a note in an intricate composition.

"Touma-kun, you're sick. You're mental," Altoromagi's voice quivered.

"Existence granted solely by birthright," Touma's retort was punctuated with conviction. "However, I suspect you have now comprehended... that dominion over our world is reserved for those who assert their authority."

Altoromagi's scream tore through the air, a dissonance against the unfolding composition. His body quivered, a counterpoint to the melody that enveloped them. With a calculated yet almost reverent movement, Touma drove the knife into Altoromagi's abdomen. A gasp escaped his lips, his heart quickening as he felt the rush of warmth, the visceral presence of blood saturating his gloved fingers.

As hours passed, Yashiro found herself ensnared within a dimly lit room, an unfamiliar figure looming before her. Without a hint of hesitation, she propelled a black pen into the man's chest. His body crumpled, life extinguished, crimson blood seeping from the wound, staining her hands and garments in an indelible hue. As the room appeared to gyrate around her, an adrenaline surge propelled her back onto her feet, urging her to flee. Echoes of her steps resonated through the corridors, composing a haunting melody of escape.

Navigating the labyrinthine passages, her exit etched a visceral narrative. Blood-soaked skin and attire, relentless pursuit by shadowed figures—they all contributed to her flight. Bursting into a scene of exultant festivity, the school's celebration was a stark contrast to the turmoil engulfing her mind. Amidst the oblivious throng of students, parents, and teachers, her eyes honed in on Touma Kouzaburou. His enigmatic smile seemed to taunt her as he raised a glass in her direction. Suppressing an involuntary shiver, she pressed forward, feeling the accusatory weight of the whispering crowd—abomination, mistake.

Stepping out into the caress of the night's cool air, a surge of desperation engulfed her as the grim reality set in—the inspectors and enforcers had cornered her. Dominators were trained on her, yet remained unresponsive. Her eyes locked with Kougami Shinya's. And then, another weapon came into view—a firearm, its barrel aimed at her. The gunshot shattered the air, ringing in her ears as her vision collapsed into darkness, the ground rushing to meet her.

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