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Since this chapter is hella long, have a small contents so you can skip to what you want :)

1. Smol and Tol
2. Enemies —>Lovers
3. Study Date
4. Skinny Love
5. 100 Things Couples Do Together
6. Forbidden Love
7. Angst

Tol and Smol
✎ Tol is reading a book and Smol is trying to get their attention
✎ Smol has trouble reaching something on the top shelf so Tol has to help them
Smol/Tol is obsessed with Smol/Tol's hands because of the size difference
✎ Smol sometimes gets mistaken for a child and gets defensive so Tol has to calm them down
✎ Tol and Smol have a habit of writing "Tol" and "Smol" on each other's papers
✎ Tol and Smol have a lot of the same classes and whenever Smol is sad, Tol gives them piggyback rides from class to class
✎ Tol gets asked out a lot when Smol goes with them to bars so whenever a person flirts with Tol, Smol gets defensive and is ready to fight
✎ Tol is always coming up behind Smol and kissing their head, hugging their waist, covering their eyes, etc. and despite it having started months (or years) ago, it still always surprises Smol
✎ Tol is hogging the blankets, so Smol tries to roll them over, but after many failures, Smol just snuggles closer.
✎ Smol tosses and turns in their sleep and usually ends up rolled up in the covers, leaving Tol in the cold, but Tol just smiles and cuddles their happy lil sushi roll
✎ Smol has sleep problems and Tol tries to stay awake with them most nights and they soon run out of things to do, so they decide to try 2 AM baking
✎ Tol is a kind, gentle sweetheart, and Smol is their adorable little ball of fire
✎ Tol and Smol are dancing and Tol makes a joke about Smol's size so Smol retaliates by pulling Toll down to their height and teasing them about being stronger
✎ Tol helps Smol clean their closet and starts flipping their shit over how tiny Smol's clothes are. Bonus points if Tol calls Smol their "Little doll"

Enemies —> Lovers
"It's hard to remember we aren't in a competition anymore."
"Do we like...hold hands now?"
"Sorry, this is just really different from our constant arguing."
"I didn't ever think we'd be here, like this."
Write about an angel being held captive in hell who falls in love with a demon.
✎ "I don't fall in love with people very often, I just can't believe it was you. Out of everyone, you just had to steal my heart. That's very rude, you know, to steal?"
✎ An angel sent to destroy the one prophesied to bring the world's destruction falls in love with them instead.
✎ Person A is from a rich family, intelligent and has a sharp tongue. One day, they snuck out to the poor district, curious. They met Person B, strong and independent, who clearly hates the people of the rich district. Not knowing Person A's real identity, they both became fast friends, running around on top of rooftops at night, stealing breads from vendors only to give them to the beggars and telling each other stories while laying side by side in the flower meadow.
✎ "I keep forgetting that we got over this ages ago."
✎ "Isn't it strange to think that just a while back, we were always fighting?"
✎ "I don't even remember why were fighting."
✎ "We still have issues to work around, but we'll get over it."
✎ "I'm trying to decide if this thing I did is incredibly stupid or...""What happened? What did you do?""Well...I fell in love with you."
✎ "You know nothing about me.""Oh, but I do. I know you want adventure, that's why you're here standing in front of me. You want to rebel like everyone else. You want mystery in your life, passion, romance... and maybe even a little danger."
✎ "This should be against some sort of rule."
✎ "How could this happen? They're so...so pure. Ugh."
✎ "They're kind to everyone, even me. I guess that was my weakness all along."
✎ "All I ever wanted was for someone to respect me. When they did exactly that, I knew I was doomed."
✎ "Please don't say you love me."
✎ You know I can't say it, but surely you understand how I feel?"

Study Date
✎ Your characters are curled up on the couch or in bed, reading the required content aloud to each other
✎ Person A has showed up to the study date with a bunch of chocolates and treats
✎ Person A knows Person B is procrastinating, so they make a deal that for every assignment B accomplishes, A will remove an item of clothing.
✎ An alternative for the prompt above where instead of steamy rewards, B receives cuddles and kisses and massages.
✎ A and B go on a picnic in the park and study together
✎ Person A and Person B are on a group study date, playing a trivia game to study for a final exam. They're on opposite teams and get really competitive.
✎ A is tutoring B but B is getting really frustrated and discouraged so A reassures them and tries to cheer them up.
✎ A and B have been studying for hours, cooped up in A's room, so they decide to take a break and go somewhere
✎ A and B are studying for a language final exam, so they decide to practice for the oral portion by speaking to one another in that language only. It would be very helpful, if B knew more than only dirty phrases
✎ A fell asleep while reading a chapter in a textbook and B knows they could wake A up, but they look so adorable and peaceful all curled up and buried in blankets
✎ B showed up to A's house for a study date and finds A, sick and stressed out, but A won't admit that they're not well so they insist on studying while B takes fusses over A and takes care of them
✎ A has to draw a human figure for an art class, and B is their model
✎ A is playing devil's advocate to help B prepare for a debate.
✎ A and B are studying and they're both shy so they're sitting on opposite sides of the couch but they're but carefully inching closer while they awkwardly try to play it cool
✎ A and B fight over a notebook, then B wins and starts doodling hearts all over it

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