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I sighed watching the glass.

Will she ever come back, these white coats are running more and more tests on me.

I was covered in unsanitary band aids from them pricking needles in me, I laid down on the pile of sheets that were considered my bed.
If you're wondering who I'm talking about, I'm talking about Billie, Billie Eilish, I was the only person she let call her Pirate in this place, her middle name, she was embarrassed of it but I thought it was cute, she taught me english, how to read it, how to speak it, how to understand it.

She's been here ever since I was three and then she was gone after I turned fifteen...


"Hey, 8..."

I turned to see Billie, "Hey, Pirate." I smiled, she pulled out a book, "I have a new one today, it's Romeo and Juliet." She walked over to me, I sat on the cold floor I slept on.
She looked at me sadly, laying back, "Here." She smiled, I crawled over, she wrapped an arm around me, and opened the book, beginning to read.

I look up at her halfway through a chapter, taking in her appearance, her plump lips slowly stopped moving as she noticed me staring, "What?" She chuckles, "Nothing...I'm just...thinking about my name...do I actually have one? Or am I really just called my code?" I asked, she sighed, "You do have a name...they never wanted me to call you it...it's (Y/n)..." She whispered, white coats appeared, pointing at us, looking through the glass, some with confused looks and scratches on their faces from me.

It was true...Billie was the only person I never attacked right as they walked in, she intrigued me, she pulled me closer, letting me bury my face in her neck, "(Y/n)...angel...listen to me...once we're both eighteen...I'm gonna get you outta here." she whispered in my ear.

"I promise."


I was turning eighteen tomorrow, and Bil is already eighteen.

It was after curfew and I heard my cell door unlock, opening slowly, "(Y-Y/n)?" I heard a familiar voice, I sat up, making eye contact with her electric blue eyes, "Billie..!" I got up quickly, looking at her, "Shhh...I shouldn't be here...but I wanna get you outta here..." She looked out the door and nodded, soon enough she was pulling me out my room.

I followed seeing that every camera wasn't glowing red, they were off, "My boyfriend Brandon hacked into the security." She explained, I felt my heart slow down and I don't know why.
Soon enough a cold breeze hit me, then the realization hit me, we're outside, I'm free, she pulled me into a car, soon enough three other people entered, she wrapped an arm around me as they cheered.

I looked at her smiling wide, "Thank you, Pirate." I whispered, she looked into my eyes, a twinkle filling hers, "Anything for you, babygirl."

Billie Eilish ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now