Chapter Fourteen

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I spent the evening at the cinema with Christian, and we had a blast being goofy and watching movies. I always thought those romantic movie moments were just for fairytales, but here I was experiencing them myself. I guess all it took was patience.

At some point, Christian fell asleep on my lap, and I found myself watching him. "Hey babe," I called out gently.

"Hey, everything alright?" he asked groggily, sitting up.

"I'm thinking about Clio, babe," I continued. "We should tell her."

"I know, but won't she feel like we betrayed her?" he asked.

"I mean, how is she going to feel?" I responded.

"Well, I don't see anything wrong with it, but are we ready to tell her though? Let's wait a bit. She's my sister. I don't want to lose her," he said.

"Well, no problem. I mean, I've got until death with you," I said. "I can wait."

"Thanks," he responded, leaning in for a kiss.

"It's almost daylight. We should start preparing to get back home now," I said. "Dad should be worried."

"Don't worry, I talked to him and promised I would bring you back in one piece," Christian said.

"You guys used to hate each other. I'm surprised he's giving you his only daughter to spend the evening with," I said, chuckling.

"Well, babe, love overcomes hatred," he replied, closing his eyes again to sleep.

"We're graduating tomorrow," I said to myself. "I can't believe I'm finally done with school."

"Well, we should start planning for the vacation then," Christian said.

"Vacation?" I asked.

"Oops," he added, noticing he was thinking out loud.

"What are you talking about?" I asked, curious.

"It's nothing much. You'll know soon," he said. "Now let's get back home and prepare for graduation day by resting."

"I've thought about it. Let's call Clio and tell her together. That way, it will be more serious," I suggested.

Conversation between Christian, Lisa, and Clio:

Lisa: Hey, sis.

Clio: Heyyy, how are you doing? It's been long.

Lisa: It has been a month only. Is it that long?

Clio: I'll let you answer that on your own.

Christian: Hey, Clio.

Clio: Christian! What? Wait... How are you guys together? Never mind, how are you doing?

Christian: You know, I'm trying.

Lisa: Clio, we...

Clio: Have something to tell me?

Lisa: Yeah... Do you know something?

Clio: Me? Nothing much... Just that you two are now dating.

Lisa: How did you know?

Clio: You guys are calling on the same phone, finishing each other's sentences, and you're sitting on his lap.

Lisa: Very smart. We're sorry though.

Clio: Sorry for what? You guys are cute together. I support you too. Actually, I've moved on.

Christian: Already?

Lisa: Really, Christian?!... Oh, c'mon.

Clio: You guys are so cute. Bye, I have to go do my work. I'll see you tomorrow at graduation.

Lisa and Christian: Bye.

End of conversation

"Wow, that wasn't hard," Christian said.

"I'm just as shocked as you are. I don't even know what just happened," I replied.

"Well, I should be off now. Talk to you later," Christian said.

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