living under the same roof

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As soon as Seungwan entered the house, Soowan greeted her happily. His tail wagged with much enthusiastic as he ran around Seungwan's feet. When she saw the dog, she immediately knelt down and patted his head, making Soowan calm for a bit.

"Where's daddy?" She jokingly asked the dog but it only woofed cutely and ran inside.

"Where's daddy?" She jokingly asked the dog but it only woofed cutely and ran inside

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Seungwan stood up and removed her coat together with her heels. She just came back from work but she dropped by to the nearest grocery store for a moment before going home. She carried the plastic bags inside and looked for the person she was missing for the whole day.

Seungwan found him at their kitchen, busily cooking their dinner with the an amazing smell around the whole place

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Seungwan found him at their kitchen, busily cooking their dinner with the an amazing smell around the whole place. He looked like he just got back from his work too because he was still wearing his white polo long sleeves and black slacks. She placed the bags on the kitchen counter and came next to him. She gently placed her chin on his shoulder and clung unto his right arm.

"Kyungsoo, I missed you," she mumbled.

"Oh, you're here. I missed you too. I didn't hear you coming," he said and kissed her forehead. "How's work? You looked tired."

"It was a busy and tiring day, I guess? Got loads of work but I managed to finish everything before going home."

"That's my woman," he proudly said and rubbed her left ear with the tip of his nose. Seungwan smiled in return.

"Do you need help?" She asked and rolled up her sleeves.

"No, no. It's almost cooked now. I know you're tired so I don't really want you to move a lot," he said softly and told her to just slack off on the seat.

Seungwan just sighed and went to the table. She took a seat, leaned on it and stared at her boyfriend doing the kitchen work. While watching him, Seungwan was beaming the whole time. Seeing her boyfriend cooking their food made her heart flutter. She knew he was tired too because he was also working in a corporate but he was doing his best to serve her like she was his princess.

The two had been living together for four years and they were together for seven years. Their parents agreed with their plan. They even asked them get married already but they just laughed it off. They started as a couple during their college years and until then they were still together, strong and inseparable. When Seungwan graduated, they started to live together. They somehow knew that they would end up marrying each other in the future so they already tried to live together to know each other more. And fortunately, they were doing great as a live-in couple.

Their relationship was private. Kyungsoo and Seungwan didn't want people to intrude to their relationship so they kept it lowkey as much as possible especially in public. But people knew how strong their relationship was even though they barely saw them doing couple things in public. They just assumed that they were doing those things in private.

Individually, the two had firm jobs. They could provide their basic needs and also their wants. It was because the two were both smart and skillful so they had secured jobs and both were financially stable. In those four years of living together, they never fought because of financial problems or any other petty things. Yes. They also had small arguments but not to the point that the two started shouting and hitting each other. They had always talked things out in a mature way and always ended up smooching each other as if nothing happened.

Seungwan felt really lucky to find Kyungsoo in her life. He was indeed a husband material and she had nothing to wish for aside from marrying that man in front of her. He was very mature in his age, despite of being just a year older than her. He was also an understanding partner. He would always listen to her side first before concluding things. He was always soft for Seungwan and he really loved her with all his heart.

A minute later, Soowan - their poodle and their baby, ran energetically under the table. Seungwan carefully carried him and placed him on her lap.

"Our baby is growing so fast," Seungwan cooed while caressing its fur. Soowan liked it.

"Yes, he is. He's getting more handsome just like his dad," Kyungsoo bantered, earning a chuckle from Seungwan. He was already transferring the food on the plate.

"You're right!" And she put Soowan down again on the floor for him to continue playing with his toys.

Kyungsoo was already serving the food he cooked. And he was the one putting everything on Seungwan's plate. She didn't even complain to the amount he put. Living with him made Seungwan healthier than ever. He always cooked delicious and healthy meals. He really took good care of her as he pampered her with everything. Sooner, he sat down beside her to join her and told her to eat.

"This is so yummy!" Seungwan squealed as soon as she took a bite from her food. She hummed as she chewed the food. Kyungsoo was just watching her munching her food with a genuine smile on his face. He always loved it when she enjoyed eating the food he prepared.

"Eat well, love."

"Of course! I've always loved the food you cook. Always delicious!" She commented and gave a thumbs up.

"How about the one who cooks the food?" He smirked.

"You don't have to ask though because I always love that person," she replied making him grin widely. He poked her cheek and kissed it. The two giggled.

After eating and talking, they decided to wash the dishes together. They were standing shoulder to shoulder in front of the sink while doing the household chore. They also cleaned the kitchen surface and the table, fed their baby and soon they slumped themselves on the sofa with much comfort. Their day was surely tiring but they had each other to recharge themselves.

They were watching a comedy show and both were laughing soundly in their living room. Seungwan leaned her back on Kyungsoo's chest as the latter embraced her while placing soft kisses on her head. It was a chilly night but they shared their warmth to each other. Soowan squeezed his body together with theirs and they chuckled at his silliness. They let him join their little cuddle like a whole happy family.

"I love you," Kyungsoo whispered. His hot breath sent a tingling sensation on her ear.

Seungwan looked up to him and held his face while smiling, "I love you more."

The two shared their sweetest kiss. It was different from their previous ones. They devoured each other's taste as their hearts were beating so fast. It was always like their first time every time they kissed.

Kyungsoo and Seungwan were indeed in love and happy with each other. 

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