8. The girl from another world

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The melodious duet danced through my ears as a pair of beautiful sparrows sang affectionately while sitting on the window pane of my bedroom. The long white drapes played with the cool breeze coming from outside and the bright sun rays entered the room like an unwanted guest, piercing through my tightly shut eyes.

I sluggishly moved the heavy blanket away from my body trying to recognize my surroundings and recall my name. That's what I usually do when I wake up from a long, very long nap and it takes approximately 53 seconds to bring me back to my senses!

Very peacefully, I grabbed my phone from the side table to have a glance of the time only to jump out of the bed with extreme horror. SHIT!!!

It was 4 pm already and I had been sleeping since 17 hours! What the.......? Oh God,my fajr prayers? And Zuhr?


Oh my God! I wanted to cry out loud. Why didn't anyone wake me up?

A polite knock on the door immediately gained my attention while I rubbed my swollen eyes to clear up my vision and quickly tied up my long silky hair into a messy bun.

"Up already cutie?" A feminine melodious voice welcomed me with a sweet gesture.

"Assalam u alaikum aunty!" I smiled while being half successful in opening my eyes wide.

"Wakaikumassalam princess! Don't be worried dear, the medicines you took last night are the reason you woke up late, they were a bit heavy! I came here to remind you that today is Alizeh's bridal shower. And I desperately want you to wear this in the evening. I hope you won't refuse." Mrs. Shehroze smiled ear to ear while gently placing a huge shopping bag on my bed.

Alizeh's bridal shower! I totally forgot it.

"What's this?" I asked with perplexity.

She opened the bag and took out a beautiful beige colored outfit which dazzled with extremely splendid and stunning fawn colored stonework.

"It's a saree! And I had bought it for you from an Indian boutique in UK with lots and lots of hopes!" Her eyes twinkled with joy.

A saree? I gulped.

I was immensely grateful but nervous too, simultaneously.

"But aunty... There wasn't any need to buy this, I already had...."

"Beta, actually Alizeh's cousins and friends had already decided the dress code for her bridal shower, and that was a saree! So I crazily wanted to buy one for you too as I wanted you to
look the most beautiful out of all!" Mrs. Shehroze interrupted.

"But....." I was speechless.

"No, ifs and buts!! You have to wear this today or else I won't talk to you!" Mrs. Shehroze folded her arms and pouted like a child at which I giggled.

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