30. Apology

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~Third Person's POV

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~Third Person's POV

Quiet as a corpse, peaceful as the river flowing nearby and cold as a snowy mountain, this night was nothing but just a mystery still unknown to the admirers of nature. Filled with uncountable twinkling stars, the horizon shimmered like a newly wed bride while the crescent, which had already witnessed the pain burning like a flame inside two hearts multiple times before, silently played hide and seek with a thick blanket of fluffy clouds, desperate to know what had destiny decided for these two souls.

The souls which were sitting quietly near the waterfall, both secretly wishing for this silence to never end, as to both knew that words won't be able to do justice with their haphazard feelings tonight.

The breeze was chilled and tranquil for the one who had just met his beloved. While the same breeze was warm, uncomfortable and disturbing for the one who ran away from the dreadful memories given by the person sitting by her side, half a decade ago, only to meet him never again unaware of the fact that destiny always plans the opposite.

For him, it was the night full of magic and ecstasy!

For her, it was the night full of pain, for all the wounds she had buried long ago, were exhumed once again.

To break this soul shaking silence, one of them had to speak. Beneath the horizon full of stars, they quietly sat side by side as if planning a script which could be followed, but failed to speak anything as words seemed to be caged up in their mouths like a beautiful golden sparrow which had been kept as a captive since years of agony and helplessness.

She continued to play with her aqua blue colored ring and rub her wrist simultaneously, just like she used to do when she would be super nervous, while his deadly gaze never averted from those delicate fingers and milky white wrist. The same wrist which he had held tightly in order to maintain balance when they had bumped into each other on the day of bridal shower.

A polite smile danced across his lips as he reminisced the most beautiful day of his life. She was just a few inches away from him just like she was right now!
The distance of miles had been covered and had been converted into that of few inches .

He smiled happily at his success which was worth his efforts.


As she continued to rub her wrist with nervousness and fear, her creamy skin started to become pink and then slowly it turned into vibrant shades of crimson making me feel extremely upset.

"Stop it!"

I grabbed her wrist, politely stopping her from hurting herself, thus being the first one to break this deadly silence. And that's when she slowly raised her eyelashes which were drowned with nervousness before, and finally locked her gaze with mine which was overflowing with love for her.

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