11. A Marathon Of Nightmares

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It was quarter past 4a.m and the dark starry night had already spread the wonderful hues in the dimly lit bedroom, which were formed due to the subtle mixture of light coming from the street lamps outside and the full moon which dazzled flawlessly on the sky. The long off white and light purple drapes tranquilly danced along with the silent rhythms of the cool breeze coming from the half opened windows. As the unsynchronized waves of wind intersected with the beautifully dangling red colored heart shaped wind chimes, a soulful and melodious tinkling sound was produced which was enough to add a magical twist in the already spiritual and romantic atmosphere.

And that's when the peaceful and mesmerizing chants of this beautiful spell eventually broke as my fragile soul was finally dragged towards the land full of despair, pain and thorns.

Thorns so pointy, that they might tear your flesh apart!

I started sobbing like a little child trying hard to save myself from the horrible reality which I was being exposed to, one by one.

Three different and extremely pathetic scenarios started to revolve around my mind simultaneously, causing me extreme pain, as if my blood was terribly being drained out of my body, ripping my soul apart.

"Baba! Baabaaa!!" I screamed in between my painful cries.
My eyes were still closed as I tried to struggle through my nightmares.

"Baba please come back! Please don't leave us! Baba"

I screamed mercilessly as streams of tears escaped through my already shut eyes. I hiccupped and moaned with pain between my sleep as my hands curled helplessly into a fist, clenching the bed sheet underneath me, in an extremely wild manner.
Still not able to come back in my senses, I murmured again and again,

"Ya Allah!!! Help! Help me Ya Allah!"

I cried like an abnormal crazy woman as I turned my face towards the right, then left, and then right again. I could feel those warm drops of tears trickle down through my earlobes, wetting my earrings and then running down through my awfully stiffened neck as I fidgeted from one position to another trying my best to erase the dark memories which were sucking my soul like a dementor's kiss!

Peace was something highly unreachable!

My whole face was drenched with tears as my arms flailed and waved in the air with hopelessness and desperation, as I tried to scream but the words seemed to be imprisoned like an innocent prisoner inside my voice box.

"Don't leave me like this.... Don't leave me! Please I had been waiting for you since 18 years! Please don't do this!"

The second nightmare made me mumble under my breath as the waterfall of my helpless tears started to badly drench the pillow I was sleeping on. I started shivering and sweating simultaneously as I started to kick the blanket which had partially covered me, with my weak legs which were slowly embracing numbness as the sweet jingling sound of my anklets twinkled in my ears.

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