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"I feel a little bit bad, should I apologize?" Shoto asked Midoriya after Katsuki left.

Midoriya shot him back a smile and waved him off. "If anything, apologizing would just piss him off more." He explained.

"That's... reassuring." Shoto mumbled, looking at the elevator that Katsuki had just disappeared into.

Midoriya nudged the dual haired boy lightly with his foot, catching his attention once again. "So, you got a crush on my best friend or what?" He asked teasingly, feeling slightly satisfied when he made the other boy a faint shade of pink with his question.

"Why? What gave you that impression?" Shoto asked cautiously. He knew that Yaoyorozu had started to listen in when Shoto had moved over to sit by Katsuki, Midoriya and Kirishima, so he had to play it safe or she'd never leave him alone.

"I just... Didn't I just.... Kiri you heard me when I straight up said that they flirt weird right? I didn't just imagine this, correct?" Midoriya asked, turning to the red head, who wasn't used to the nickname and his wide eyes and red face showed it.

"Oh, um, yeah- Yeah, you said that." Kirishima said, scratching the back of his neck as he directing his gaze away from the beam green haired boy and towards the floor.

"See! You two flirt, albeit in a weird way, but flirting none the less." Midoriya said cheerily.

Shoto rubbed his temples, seeing that he had yet another classmate trying to play cupid. "It's not flirting. It's.... banter I guess." He said slowly, trying to steer Midoriya in a different direction.

The green haired boy rolled his eyes. "Everyone knows that banter is the best way for a ship to start sailing."

"A ship? What?" Shoto asked, clearly perplexed by the terminology that Midoriya had just used.

The green haired boy gaped at him, then sent a look to Kirishima as if asking if Shoto was being serious. The redhead shrugged, not finding it all that surprising that Shoto didn't know what he meant.

"Just ask Mina." Midoriya said eventually with a disappointed head shake.

"Okay?" Shoto said more of a question, still lost on the topic.

"Todoroki, dude, you were gonna apologize to Bakubro, right? You should go do that." Kirishima suddenly said, cutting off any further discussion on the topic of 'ships'.

"But didn't Midoriya say that-"

Shoto was cut off by none other than Midoriya himself. "Pf, I didn't know what I was saying! Apologizing is definitely the best course of action here. You should probably go and quick, who knows when Kacchan might just... go to bed or something." He said rushed, shooing Shoto off with his hands.

The dual haired teen just raised his own hands in surrender, picking himself up off the ground and walking to the elevators. "Wait, I don't even know where his room is-"

"Fourth floor, third door." Kirishima said with a smile. Him and Katsuki were on the same floor, so he knew where his dorm was.

"Oh! And this is how you sign 'I'm sorry'. Trust me, he'll appreciate it more." Midoriya said while showing him how to sign it.

"Great, thanks." Shoto mumbled to himself as he got on the elevator and hit the 'four' button.


Once the two toned teen was out of the living room, Midoriya turned his gaze to Kirishima and pulled him into a hug. "We're totally getting them together, right?" He asked, pulling away slightly so he could look Kirishima in the eyes with too much intensity for the given situation.

Of course, the redhead just found it adorable and smiled back. "Totally dude."


Meanwhile, Katsuki was angrily pulling his pants off and throwing them into his dirty clothes hamper, not caring that they were still slightly frosty. He quickly pulled on a dry pair of sweat pants and collapsed onto his bed with a huff.

'Damn half and half bastard, freezing my fucking pants. Who the hell does he think he is?!' He thought to himself.

The longer he seethed to himself, the more he thought about Shoto in general and with that came the... not so great thoughts. Like how he looked when he smirked. Or when he slightly smiled when he was talking with the one black haired girl he always hung out with.

'No, no, no, fuck no. Stop being gay for like five minutes Katsuki.' He scolded himself, flipping over and burying his head into his pillow.


Shoto huffed as he got off the elevator and headed to the second to last door. He was about to knock when he stopped himself. "I... didn't think this through." He mumbled.

Katsuki was deaf. He wouldn't be able to hear Shoto knocking.

Well what the hell was he supposed to do now?

He didn't have Katsuki's number or anything to text him, didn't even have Midoriya's. He was screwed.

"I must have a death wish or something." Shoto said with a groan as he slowly opened Katsuki's door, finding it unlocked.

When he peaked his head in, he finds that Katsuki's laying on his bed with his head buried into the pillows. Making a hasty decision, he decided it was fun to toy with his life, and went over to Katsuki's bed, lightly tapping his shoulder.

Of course he scared the living day lights out of the deaf blond, who's training and reflex immediately kicked in. He grabbed Shoto's hand, twisting the taller boy's arm and his own body as he went. Both ended up on the floor, Katsuki straddling Shoto's back as he had the other boy's arm bent back and pushed up in between his shoulder blades.

"Fuck." Shoto said in pain, but it fell on deaf ears. Literally.

"What the hell?! Decided to sneak up on the deaf kid? Fucking stupid." Katsuki growled at him, pushing his arm up just a little harder and smiling as Shoto grimaced. He let him go shortly after, getting off of him quickly and taking a seat on his bed again, crossing his arms.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" He asked.

Shoto rubbed his sore shoulder while standing up. "I came to apologize." He explained.

"And you just decided to waltz into my dorm and fucking touch me?" Katsuki growled at him.

"What was I supposed to do? It's not like you could hear me knocking and you weren't looking up. I could have just sat on the ground and waited for you to pick your head up if you would prefer." Shoto shot back with a small glare.

"You're seriously mad at me right now? You snuck up, on a deaf kid. You deserve to have your arm snapped." Katsuki said, his voice dripping with malice he couldn't even hear.

"Okay, okay I get it." Shoto said with a sigh, holding his hands up in surrender. Then he signed what Midoriya had showed him.

Katsuki raised his eyebrows in slight surprise at the gesture. "The damn nerds really trying, isn't he?" He asked Shoto, referring his childhood friend.

"Oh yeah." Shoto said with a nod.

Katsuki narrowed his eyes before letting out a breath and relaxing slightly. "Well... thanks I guess, for learning that one easy ass sign. At least you're... sort of trying."

"I'm offended." Shoto said, his eyes lightly wide. "I know more than just," He stopped talking as he signed 'I'm sorry' again.

Katsuki brows raised at the challenge. "Oh yeah, like what halfie?" He asked him back.

Shoto thought for a second before his faint smirk made it's way onto his face and he signed what he knew.

Katsuki's face flushed as he watched him sign.

The red and white haired teen had signed, "You're cute."

Yes, I am Signing About You (TodoBaku)Where stories live. Discover now