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"Well come one, we've got places to be." Shoto signed, nodding his head towards Katsuki's door.

The blond got up, but he didn't seem to happy about it. "I can't believe I'm actually letting you drag me around like this." He signed bitterly, glaring at the half and half teen.

"I can, I'm cute remember?" Shoto signed back, matching Katsuki's bitter attitude with his own cocky one. He knew that if Katsuki really didn't want to go on this date, then he wouldn't, but there they were. Some part of him had to want to go.

Katsuki blushed furiously, even more angry than before. "Shut up, I never said that! Stupid Deku was lying." He signed, only maintaining eye contact because that's just what you do in asl. Eye contact is an important thing and it really sucks for the author because eye contact makes them super uncomfortable most of the time.

"Deku? That's M-i-d-o-r-y-i-a's name sign, right?" Shoto signed, finger spelling out Midoriya's last name. The green haired boy had taught Shoto about asl as a whole and not just the signs, so he knew what a name sign was and that only a deaf person could give you one. He also showed Shoto his and Katsuki's, seeing as he knew Katsuki would probably complain about him once or twice and it would just be a good thing if he knew how to sign Katsuki's name.

"Yeah, you've heard me call him D-e-k-u before, right? It was his nickname when we were kids and I haven't really called him anything else our whole lives, when I had to give him a name sign, I based it off of that nickname." Katsuki explained through sign. It was a lot easier for him to open up and communicate when he was signing and the other person actually knew enough to understand him. It just... relaxed him? If that's the right way to explain.

They both started to walk out of Katsuki's dorm, heading towards the elevator. The blond was still a little hesitant about the metal death trap, but seeing as he was already going on a date with Shoto, there really wasn't another reason to trap him in one again.

Once they were on and heading to the ground floor, Shoto turned to him with a faint smirk. "So what's my name sign?"

Katsuki rolled his eyes at him. "Despite what you might think, Deku and I don't sign about you enough for us to ever give you one, we just spell out your name. Now that you actually know sign, I should probably give you one." He mused absentmindedly towards the end. If Shoto was going to be signing with him regularly, it'd probably be a good idea to give him one.

"What's it going to be then?" Shoto signed back, his curiosity officially peaked.

Katsuki shrugged, a smug smile making it's way onto his face at the question. "I'll give you one if this date goes well."  He bargained.

Shoto's eye brows raised slightly at the offer, but he shrugged it off. "Sounds like a plan."

The blond's smile faltered slightly at how ineffective his bargain was, but he recovered quickly. "I doubt you'll get one." He signed, just wanting to mess with the stoic teen a little bit. He was always so unbothered, which pissed Katsuki off. 

"I'm not too worried about it, sweetheart." Shoto signed, watching with satisfaction as Katsuki turned bright red again.

"I'm going to kill Deku. Of course he just had to teach you that sign."  Katsuki signed, trying his hardest to get his blush to go away.

They reached the common area and quickly walked out the front doors, trying to avoid their more curious classmates. They signed back and forth on their walk to where it was Shoto was taking them. It was random conversation about nothing important, small talk to get them through until they could properly sign without so many distractions. Signing and walking is not easy.

"Why're we at a mountain? Are you planning on murdering me, because let me tell you, it's not gonna work." Katsuki signed, finding the whole situation mildly amusing.

"Wouldn't dream of it." Shoto signed back, but didn't give anything else away. It was already starting to get dark, so they had to get up the hill quickly. Thankfully it was a pretty big tourist attraction, so the path up was lined with lights.

The climb to the top was easy for the two heroes in training and they reached it fairly quick. Katsuki looked around, taking in the sight of the small little park they had just reached. It was empty by now, most people not wanting to be out after dark in a secluded park, plus it was starting to get a bit cold.

"What're we doing here? It's dark and cold." Katsuki signed, seeming unimpressed with the location. He had worn a hoodie, but he was doing little to help with the slight bite of the cold.

"There're lights set up everywhere, it's not that dark." Shoto signed back, after pointing to all the different light fixtures set up around the park.

"Still freezing." Katsuki actually said, mainly because he had his arms crossed over his chest in an attempt to warm up.

Shoto shook his head, a faint smile on his lips. He grabbed one of Katsuki's hands, earning a groan from the blond at the loss of warmth from his arms, and pulled him towards the center of the grassy area. Once he was where he wanted to be, he sat down, pulling Katsuki with him on his left side. He laid down, dragging Ktasuki with him once again, having him cuddle up to his left side as he activated it just enough to warm the blond up.

"This was totally just a ploy to get me to cuddle with you, wasn't it?" Katsuki asked, seeing as he couldn't exactly sign in his current position of being tucked into Shoto's side.

He felt Shoto nod and couldn't help the very, very small smile that graced his lips, but it was gone quickly. "Well dumbass, we can't really talk now, which is kind of the point of a first date. I can't hear." Katsuki pointed out, upset with himself once again at the fact that his hear loss was messing up yet another aspect of his life.

Shoto had thought about that, but he hadn't been necessarily mad about it. He was a quiet person by nature and didn't talk much as it was, so a first date where they didn't talk much but rather stared at the night sky, was okay with him. Being able to hear how upset Katsuki was at the fact they couldn't communicate much, he thought of a back up plan.

In a matter of seconds, Shoto was up and signing for Katsuki to stay put. The blond listened with a scowl. A few minutes later, a little ways away from where he was sitting on the ground, Katsuki caught sight of a fire sparking up. Soon Shoto showed up and dragged him over to a fire pit and sat him down on one of the benches.

"Look, that takes care of your two complaints. It's now light and warm." Shoto signed to him, clearly meaning it in a teasing way.

Katsuki nodded, staring into the fire. He was quiet and still for a few seconds, making Shoto worried that he had messed something up.

Until Katsuki suddenly turned to him, bringing his hands up hesitantly as he signed his next sentence. "Thank you," he signed and paused.  He looked like he wanted to sign more, but he stopped.

"For what?" Shoto eventually asked, unsure of what exactly he was thankful for.

Katsuki looked troubled as he thought through what it was he was thanking Shoto for. It took a few moments, but eventually he answered him. "Everything, I guess. Not a lot of people would be willing to go through half the trouble you have, so.... thank you."

Yes, I am Signing About You (TodoBaku)Where stories live. Discover now