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"You're trying to tell me you threw her in a pool?!" Katsuki signed, on the verge of hyperventilating from laughing so hard at Shoto's story about a prank war he had gotten into with Yaoyorozu last summer.

"What was I supposed to do? Every time I walked into a room, she'd pull a tea kettle out of no where!" Shoto signed, smiling at Katsuki. This was the first time he had really heard the other boy laugh, especially this hard.

"That's just a bitch move on her part." Katsuki signed, trying to control his laughter more. Laughing was something he had never really been fond of, but after losing the ability to hear it, he became overly self-conscious about it.

"Hence why I threw her in a pool!" Shoto signed largely, almost like he was trying to yell in sign language, which just made Katsuki laugh even more. 'Mission accomplished.' Shoto thought to himself.

So what? He was trying to make the blond laugh, how is that bad?

"You can't sit here and try to tell me that you have never thrown Deku in a large body of water." Shoto signed to him, an eye brow raised in question. He honestly couldn't believe that Katsuki had never thrown Midoriya into some type of water before, knowing the two of them.

Katsuki shook his head, a smile still faintly on his face from all of the laughing he had been doing. "Never, I haven't had the chance before, but I'm definitely gonna try now."

"Looks like I need to apologize to him then." Shoto signed, a small smile also present on his face.

Katsuki shook his head once again. "He totally deserves it at this point. Especially after the elevator stunt." He signed. He had already been thinking of ways to get back at the green haired boy, so throwing him in a pool was just added to the ever growing list.

"What about Kirishima and Yaoyorozu?" Shoto asked him, knowing that he wouldn't be satisfied until he got back at all three of them.

"You can deal with ponytail, but I'm throwing dumb hair in right after Deku." Katsuki signed back, already coming up with an evil plan to get back at the two boys.

"Seriously? They have name signs and I don't?" Shoto signed back, more teasing than actually offended. He had a hunch that he also already had a sign and Katsuki was just refusing to tell him out of principal.

"Deku and I are always signing about dumb hair, so it was kind of necessary. I came up with ponytail right now, just to annoy you." Katsuki signed with a smirk now present on his face as he watched Shoto roll his eyes.

"That's mean, Katsuki. You wound me." Shoto signed sarcastically.

"Good." Katsuki signed back with a nod.

Shoto shook his head with a smile. "You're impossible, you know that?"

"You sound like Deku." Katsuki replied, a small chuckle leaving his mouth once again.

"Great minds think alike, it's not surprising." Shoto signed, mainly just to annoy Katsuki. It was only fair, seeing as the blond was trying to do the same thing.

Katsuki actually let out a snort at that. "Deku? A great mind? No way." He signed, clearly amused.

Seeing as their date had been gong so well and Katsuki seemed to be open to talking about most things with him, Shoto decided to ask about something that had been bothering him for a few days now. "Your guys' relationship confuses me. You're always making fun of him, but he doesn't seem bothered by it." He signed.

The blond released a sigh, having expected this to come up eventually. It did seem like he was terrible to one of his only friends. "Deku's nearly a genius, he's got an amazing quirk and a heart of gold. He's one of the only people that stuck around after I lost my hearing, even after I.... I wasn't.... How do I even explain this?"

Shoto was staring at him in slight shock at what he had just signed. He had never seen or heard Katsuki compliment someone before, so all of the things he had just signed about Midoriya were a complete shock.

"I was a terrible person in middle school, I still am but I've gotten better I guess. I bullied Deku a lot. It was bad. I still don't believe that the poor kid didn't become depressed or something with all the shit I put him through. But he... he never gave up on me, which is completely stupid, so maybe he isn't a genius. The dumb nerd even learned sign language so I'd actually have someone I could communicate with. He somehow forgave me for everything and we've been best friends for the past year or two." Katsuki confessed to the dual haired boy, knowing that it'd have to come out at some point or another. Might as well get it out of the way, have Shoto tell him he's a terrible human being and leave before Katsuki go too attached.

"I'm trying, I'm trying really hard, but it's not easy. With my quirk, I was held on this ridiculousily high pedestal since I was four. I had some sort of image I had to protect and Deku just... wasn't apart of it. I'm not trying to defend it, because there isn't anything that could justify it, but it's just what my adolescent mind thought."  He stopped for a second, waiting for some sort of out burst from the boy next to him.

"Did you apologize?" Shoto asked.

Katsuki looked at him confused. "Yeah."

"Do you genuinely feel bad about what you did?" Shoto asked him.

"Obviously." Katsuki signed with an eye roll.

"And you're trying to be a better person, correct?"

"Did you not understand anything of what I just signed?" Katsuki asked, somewhat annoyed with all the questions.

"Yes or no, Katsuki?"

"Yes! I'm trying, okay?" He signed back, looking uncomfortable with the conversation.

"Then that's all that matters. You're not a bad person, Katsuki. You did a bad thing, you felt bad, apologized and are trying to make it right and better yourself." Shoto signed to him, wanting him to know exactly how he felt about his confession.

Katsuki just stared at him, completely baffled. He wasn't expecting Shoto to be so understanding with him. He was full prepared for him to be disgusted, go back to the dorms, and tell their classmates, turning everyone against him.

So maybe he was a little paranoid, but that's not important.

"Fuck, why're you so perfect?" Katsuki whispered, only about half aware that he had actually said anything at all.

Shoto used a hand to cover his mouth as he laughed at Katsuki's words. "Trust me, I'm far from perfect."

Katsuki's face heated up in embarrassment for what felt like the millionth time that night. "Shut up, you heard nothing." He signed quickly, before directing his attention to the fire instead of the smug two toned teen next to him.

Shoto just wrapped an arm around him, smiling when Katsuki rested his head on his shoulder. A part of Shoto knew they should probably head back to the dorms, seeing as it was probably getting late, but the other, more prominent part of him, didn't want to move and just sit with Katsuki for a few more hours.

So that's what they did.


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