Found pt 2

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"What could go wrong?" The last thing that was said last chapter. The only thing I can think of is how Daisy will react to her brother knowing she's alive.

Max, Neil, and Nikki stood in front of the counselor's cabin hearing quiet murmurs from inside. "So what are we just going to break in or?" Neil shrugged.

"If that's the case move out of the way boys it's nikki's time to shine!" Nikki moves back and then ran towards the door at full speed max opened the door letting Nikki hit a wall inside.

David screamed slightly at the sudden loud noise while Gwen just jumped slightly "guys what are you doing here?"

David stood up and ran towards them "Where have you been!" He picked Max up and hugged him tightly "you were gone all night!"

Max shrugged "oh it's nothing except for...THIS" Max holds up the picture, it held three people David, Daisy, and Jasper smiling happily David in the middle holding each of them by their shoulders.

David gasped and slowly took the photo from his hands dropping max in the process "Daisy..." he mumbled as tears welled up in his eyes.

"What's up with you and her huh? Why do you look so-"

"Similar?" David cut him off and chuckled "well the reason is her and I are twin sisters" the entire room seemed to shake a bit as the shock got around quickly.

"your what?!" Everyone yelled towards David causing him to shriek and jump back.

Neil and Nikki began asking questions immediately
"Do you have super powers?" "What happened to her?" "Who was born first?" "Was Jasper there too?" "Are you polar opposites?" "Why is she in the woods" "who's ding dong is bigger?"

David gasped "What do mean in the woods?" He looked at Neil "you mean she's still alive?" David's usually peppy attitude turned into screaming joy in a matter of seconds "my sisters is still alive! My sister is still alive!" He hugged Gwen and then looked at the trio of misfits "you saw her can't you tell me where she is?"

Max cleared his throat "you need to chill...and we one price" max smirked as David nodded desperately  "no activities for the rest of the summer and I can do whatever I want" David sighed and nodded slowly "good cmon"

"I'll stay here and have a swim day with the rest of the campers while you re-meet your twin sister" Gwen smiled while the four of them walked out.

"Max what happened to your head?" David tilted his head down at the boy making him shrug.

"I fell and basically broke my head open but no worries your sister helped me out" he smirked while David has a sad smile plastered on his face.

Hours later

They all approached an opening in the forest, they stood nearby it to take a breather and they saw a little rabbit start hopping past "awwwwe! Look at that rabb-AGH" an arrow flew from the darkness and it was shot and killed.

The same hooded figure appeared from the darkness holding a basket made out of wood that had birds, rabbits, and other creatures
Inside of it she lifted the bunny and placed it inside the basket.

"Hey you remember us?" Max stepped forwards making David gasp in fear. The other two looked up at him and nodded walking out as well.

"Wait for your cue" Neil said, David nodded while both of them left him alone.

Daisy just stared at them for a moment "yes...I destroyed my home for what information? And stole my prized possession?" David gasped at the familiar voice and looked at the individual.

The lost twin sister (Camp Camp) (on hold)Where stories live. Discover now