Helping hand - yves

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It wasn't your fault that You were so bad at studying. You've always listened to whatever the teacher says and you've always had good grades but your mind seemed to distract you since the start of your new school year. It might have just been your teenage hormones acting up but still, you did try to focus.

The biggest wall between you and your concentration during class was Yves, Yves, and Yves. She was the korean girl everyone liked because of kpop being a thing. That wasn't it though, she was beautiful and not only that she had a soft personality of course everyone would love her why not. There was absolutely no reason one wouldn't.

The type of thoughts distracting you although were things that you wouldn't want others to know. For a couple of months, Yves has been your studying partner assigned by you. You remember the day you were basically on your knees to know what and how she was so smart . "Silly" she giggled and told you
"there are other ways of asking me to help you study"

Since that moment you felt your self instantly fall in love. And you fell deep. But your thought were a contrast to how much you loved her. All of your thoughts were just erotic. Just you and Yves doing erotic shit. And that was all that kept playing in your mind 24/7 not only in class, sometimes you would just wander off into your own thoughts about you and Yves at home. So It was a huge mood killer whenever your mother would ask you to "come down for dinner"

Again, you were too deep into your thoughts that you didn't notice the class was over. "5:37pm" you heard Yves say as she walked over to you and sat down in a seat infront of you, her back facing the desk. "How long are you planning on making me teach you stuff today y/n?" She grinned as she took out her textbook. "Oh god" you sighed as you saw her take out her math textbook. "Are we doing math today?" You frowned and whined like a kid. "Yes, you weren't focusing during math class today y/n" she also sighed and looked disappointed as you were looking around the room uninterested in studying maths, the subject you hated since a kid.

"Y/n. I've heard from the others that you used to have the best grades in this whole grade. What's that something that's been distracting you y/n?" She scoots a little closer to your desk and tilts her head like a puppy questioning why your grades have been going down. "Some things have been distracting me yves" you look away feeling awkward and embarrassed. You wanted to change the topic. "Anyways, why don't we skip this whole after school study program we got going on between us today? Hm?" Yves eyed you like she's been betrayed. "Don't try and change the topic y/n. I'm willing to help you and your grades. It's going to be over for you if I stop caring for you y/n. Just tell me" her time was serious but you got up and started packing your things. God you were such an asshole.

"I've been thinking about someone during class. That's it" you felt your cheeks getting hot. Yves was silent and she seemed somewhat disappointed. There was a silence between you two as you saw Yves's eyes darkened like the sky getting darker second by second. "Who is that someone..y/n"
She asked and she almost looked as if she was about to cry. You felt weird. And you felt bad. You didn't know why she looked sad, or why she would suddenly go silent.

"You.." you said quietly. Again silence filled the air. You felt your throat get dry. Your heart beat was ringing in your head as you felt yourself get nervous. Yves left out a dry laugh "Really?" She seemed to be satisfied.
"Then you should've told me earlier" she said as she pulled your arm to sit back down as she stood up and looked down to you. "What do you mean Yves.." your face was red as you avoided all eye contact with her. "Look at me y/n" she lifts your chin up with her fingers.
"I've liked you too" she smiles and whispers into your ears

Your whole body got warm and fuzzy you felt your chest area get a feeling that you've never felt before. You feel a privilege that someone like Yves likes you. "R- really" you smile as you feel her hands wrapping around you.

She leans in for a kiss and you feel dumb, you feel all fuzzy, you feel happy, emotions were mixed inside you and you couldn't think straight. Her kiss was passionate.
"s-stop... wait Yves" your panting. She was a good kisser. Better than any of the middle school boys that used to hit on you bragging about how good they were in bed long ago.

"Cmon y/n.. you've been wanting this right?
This is what you've been thinking about while you could've just focused on your studies" she smirks and you feel yourself getting numb.
She whispers against your lips.

"I love you baby. Why don't we take this to my room?"

You were whipped.

A/n : how was this story? This was also a requested :> I've been wondering, what is good about my writing and what should I improve! I would love to know so I can improve for you sweeties 😌💕

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