Killer - Gowon

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Elegant. Gentle and polite. Not to mention her beauty was memorizing. She was also very intelligent.. you noticed that by her actions and choice of words. Everything about her would seem perfect but everything collapses when she shows you her true side. But no one even gets the opportunity to talk a single word about her true side as they are killed before they even can. Your body wouldn't stop shaking as you were on the roof of the ridiculously large mansion that was built by the ocean which was the main reason you were so cold.

"Oh cmon y/n it's just a little joke" the woman giggles psychotically and takes a seat infront of you. "Joke ? You think kidnapping me and keeping me on a roof is a joke? Gowon, where are we ? Why are you doing this?" You were basically shouting at her. You didn't like the situation you were in at all. You had to get out of this? But how ? Jumping off the roof would clearly kill you in a second. Or maybe dying is the better option. Maybe it was destiny.

It was true that your husband was recently killed. Not that you liked him anyway. It was an arranged marriage. Your husband would beat you and use you as he wanted. You never liked men. You never liked yourself. You never liked this whole shit show. If you ran away people would just label you as weak and laugh. When your husband would abuse you, Gowon was the first person you would run to.

She would always treat you with kindness and nothing else. She would never push you to talk about things you weren't comfortable with. But what she's doing now... it reminds you of that man and it gave you shivers.

"Your at my house y/n. Don't panic too much.. I'm here to save you" she smiles softly and walks closer to you. "Gowon stop." She touches your cheeks and her hands trail down to your waist. She has obviously ignored you as she embraces you tightly.

"You've been through so much y/n" she says in a hushed but soft tone. You start shaking as you start to feel nervous. She looks into your eyes and whispers against your neck "don't you just want to end everything" she says with a look of hope in her eyes. What does she mean ? Is she saying she thinks I want to end everything? If so, she might not be wrong.
This whole world has been nothing but mean to you. People hurt you and act nice whenever someone bigger is around. People lie to you for their own wellbeing. Did you really want to live while feeling like this? Did you want to feel terrible for the rest of your life ?

"You do don't you" Gowon laughs.

"I feel the same too" she says and brushes your hair with her fingers. She lets go of your waist and you fall to the ground. You didn't know what you wanted with your life. Silence filled the air and the wind was blowing your hair as if it was helping you cover your tear stained face. Gowon has been looking at the sky with both her hands grasping each other behind her back.

"It's a shame though. This world seems a little to pretty to me tonight. I don't want to leave just yet" she says and you look at her back then the sky to where Gowon was staring at.

"The moon is really pretty tonight"

You look at the moon. You had no intention of crying at all. But those damn tears start flowing again. "I don't want to leave just yet"
The words that had recently left Gowons mouth repeat and echo in your head. True.
It seemed too sad and lonely to leave this world. No one would really care if you were gone. But something.. this feeling that words couldn't explain rushes through you and makes you feel dizzy.

"Never mind" suddenly Gowon says and unlocks the door that lead back to the house.
She grabs hold of your hand and dragged you back inside of her house. As soon as you stepped foot into the home your whole body melted in the warmness of her home.

"I was always interested in death since I was a kid" she says. "I thought you felt the same too. But I saw the will to live reignite in your eyes. So I stopped. I was thinking of jumping of the roof with you tonight" she sighs "but you are my reason to live"

She turns to you and you are shocked. The tears she's refused to show you have fallen to the ground for the first time. "I need you to help me y/n. You are my only way out of this"
You felt your eyes soften and you knew you couldn't just ignore her crying for help. You walked over to her and embraced her the way she did on the roof.

"I will"

You used to want to die. The world and everything felt terrible. Honestly you still do.
Gowon always wanted to know what dying was like. She would try and kill herself if there was ever a chance. You didn't know what stopped you from jumping of the roof today. But you know what stopped Gowon from doing so with you.

Gowon is confused. No one probably helped her or tried to understand how and why she thought the way she does. They only see the outside. "No one gets to talk about her true side as they are killed before they can" She's been killing herself, her thoughts and her own existence by shutting herself up. She wasn't a killer. She just needed help.

If you were the reason she decided to live today....

You would live for her.

A/n : I know a friend myself that Is obsessed with the idea of "dying" I do everything a can to help my friend and if there's someone like that around you, please lend a hand. It will definitely save someone's life.

ANYWAYS I hope you liked This chapter

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