Chapter 10

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On that year, it ended...

I just got into the hospital with my secretary from our meeting. I saw nurses rushing into Austin's room.

I looked at my secretary.

She asked a nurse who was just about to come in.

"Mr. Biermann's vitals are suddenly unstable."

I felt weaker when I heard the news.

The doctors asked us to wait outside.

My secretary kept on cheering me up... That everything was going to be alright.

Then, doctors went out of the room. My secretary went for them to ask.

But, I didn't hear them talk. I steered my wheelchair nearer but I still couldn't hear them.

"What happened?" I called their attention.

My secretary turned her gaze at me. Her expression was telling me something.

The doctors walked away from us.

"What's happening?" I asked again.

My secretary didn't answer me but I heard her sigh.

I decided to just come into his room...

And there I saw...

Lira in the corner of his brother's room, crying.

I went near Austin and held his hand. It was cold.

I realized everything. This was what I was scared the most. I had been praying to the gods because I was afraid this could happen. But, it really did.

Tears flowing, body was weakening. I couldn't think clearly.

I wanted to yell, to scream my heart out but all I could do was cry.

I still can't believe that my loved ones died because of almost the same accident.

After last year, I can't fight to be strong anymore.

I don't take any pills. My doctors are worried but they can't force me.

And now, I have to tell you something...

Happy endings are not just about living together with someone you love.

It is also about being contented when you don't end up together.

It is actually about...

          "Ms. Blair... can you hear me?"

          "Get the defibrillator."

...being happy about each other's path.

          "1... 2... 3...Clear..." 

Being fine ...

          "Raise the voltage!"

...when you see them walk away from your life.

But, me...

          "Her heartbeat is getting too slow."

... I'll come with him... We'll end up together again.

We'll be happy.

He is waiting for me...

My hope is not here...

I am... Blair... and this is my own happy ending.

"Ms. Blair Novak. Time of death May 4, 2020, 9:00 pm."


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See you in the next chapter.

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