chapter 1- first day

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Ugh I have to get up and get ready for school!! Today is the first day of my new school divergent high. I'm Beatrice prior,I'm 16 years old
"Beatrice! Wake up!", Caleb says.
" fine!"
I get up take a shower, brush my hair, brush my teeth then put make up on. I want to make a good impression. Since at my old school every one would make fun of me because I had glasses. I had no friends at my old school, but today I want to make a good impression. There is just one thing though. Four. He's one of the people who always made fun of me along with his friends dumber and dumber 2.
I go down stairs eat breakfast and go to school as soon as I get there I'm about to go into school ,but then I hear a engine noise. Great! That must be four. I keep walking and I see his car coming for me.
I immediately jump out of the way.
He screams,"watch were your going. Loser!"
"Jerk!" I scream .
I get into school and bump into some one.
"Im so sorry" i say.
Nice going beatrice. Good way to make an impression.
The girl says,"it's alright! I'm Christina."
"I'm Beatrice but you can call me Tris . any way I was wondering if you can show me where to get my shecdule."
"Oh ya come with me!" Christina says.
We get to the office and a lady asks,
"What's your name?"
"Well here you go Beatrice here is your shecdule. Is there anything you want to be called like a nickname."
"Um yes Tris."
"Well okay come back if you get lost."
"Thank you."
Me and Christina walk out of the office and I ask
"Let me see your shecdule!"
She gives it to me and we both have all the same classes!
"We have the same classes," Christina says.
Then the bell ring and we walk to Ms.Mathews class.
We sit in a seat we can find and wait.
Ms. Mathews comes in and says,"hello class today we will arrange your seats okay so..."
In the end the seating arrangement is

Peter Lauren Christina will
Dumber2 dumber
Uriah Zeke Albert Shauna
Four Tris (me) Kate lily
Great! I'm next to four! Ugh! We sit down and all I here is
I finally say "what do you want!"
"Can I borrow a pencil?"
"Ugh! Fine"
Ms. Mathews says,"okay so today we will be doing a project and your partner is the person next to you."
No!!!!! Fours my partner!
"The project is to choose a God/goddes and do a report on them."
"You can talk to your partner and discuss"
But the bell rings so we get out of class and I say to four," look I don't want to do this project with you as much as you don't want to do it with me."
"I know me I we have to work on it today why don't you come to my house after schook ?"
The rest of the day was a blur.
When I get to fours house I knowck on the door and see.....

Oh cliff hanger what dose she see.
Anyway sorry if I'm not on all the time but I really hope you guys like it. I know it might be boring but it will get better

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