Chapter 5

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I awake with pressure on one of my hands and a sound blasting in my ears. I keep my eyes closed and listen.

'But you catch a glimpse of sunlight, shining down on your face'

'Oh your face'

Oh, your in my veins and I cannot get you out'

'Oh your all I taste at night inside of my mouth'

I can hear a faint noise over the music... Is that... Is another voice? ...singing along? I open my eyes and see a hand squeezing mine. My eyes follow the arm up to see a face. Piercing blue eyes staring into mine. Ian....

I'm speechless. I stare in awe at the beautiful man in front of me. I slowly take out my ear buds one by one. I hear his voice more clearly now. He stares into me while singing along to the muffled sound of the song blaring through the ear buds.

'Oh, you runaway 'cause I am not what you found'

'Oh your in my veins and I cannot get you out'

I'm so shocked and speechless that all I can do is squeeze his hand harder and stare into him back with tears already blurring my vision.

The song ended and I finally manage to find my voice somehow.


Before I know it I'm in his arms and sobbing of relief.

"Oh, Ian I thought I lost you! I love you so much Ian. I love you..."

I kept repeating that I loved him.

Ian squirmed a bit underneath me and I sat back down and took his hands. He had a confused, disbelieved look on his face of pleasure.

"Anthony.... You... Love me?"

Tears are still streaming down my face one by one.

"So much Ian. Please don't ever leave me. Please..."

I leaned over and pressed my lips to his. The kiss was so strong. As if we have been waiting for this our whole lives. Finally, our kiss came to and end and we gently separated them with our foreheads still touching. All I could hear was our inhales and exhales. The world around us that vanished and time froze.

"Ian... I love you so... So much"

"I love you too, Anthony."

I pulled my face away a little more to see his beautiful face once again. He has the most beautiful eyes in the world. He was staring into me with a look of complete relief and bliss. I must have been giving him the same look because he smiled and I smiled back. His smile brings butterflies to my stomach. To see him happy makes my life. This is all i want. It has happened. For once in my life, I feel complete. Like all I need is in place. I, Anthony Padilla, am in love with Ian Hecox. And he loves me back. I have him. He's all mine and I'm never leaving his side. We have eachother and that's all we need. Now I feel warm. With him I feel again. I pick up his wrist and bring it close to my face. I look in his eyes as I gently kissed his scars. I did the same with the other wrist. By doing this, I set his past free. All the pain and grief he went through is replaced with my love and by the look on his beautiful face I saw that was his pain was eased. And that he felt my love. I'm in his veins and he is in mine. Our love is infinite.

THE END!!!!!

I tried making the ending happy but different to make it not too cheesy haha. Sorry this took me forever but..l well... Unfortunately, my curiosity got the best of me and I kind of read the milk fanfiction... You see, I didn't think it would be that bad... But trust me, it WAS. It grossed me out so much that I couldn't even think about Ianthony for awhile let alone write about it. I just had to get my head cleared thats all haha. Well that's it.i really hope you liked it cuz I enjoyed writing it! ^_^

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