Chapter Four

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Nico POV

      I could feel my face turn hot. My mind had gone blank except for one thing. A voice, kinda and playful, it rang in my head over and over saying "my Angel" that pharase rang in Will's voice over and over. Shaking my head, I pulled myself toghether, shoving the last peice of my panini into my mouth and getting up to leave the dinning pavilon. As I walked out, ready to head back to the infirmary, out of the corner of my eye I saw two girls walking with a tall, muscular boy with golden hair that shimmered when the wind blew and the sun hitting the surface, in between the two girls. They boy turned his head slightly to face the girl on his right, catching a glimpse of the laughing face, my heart squeezed hard as if it were a cloth being rung out, but instead of water being rung out it was all my hope, all my hope that I had a chance with Will. I changed course heading for the woods.


Will POV

      Ugh, finally I'm free of those annoying pest. Always talking about themselves and other people, using fake laughes so they can sound cute. They were to much makeup, I'm more then positive that the reason they don't have anyone my them is because they scare them off without all that makeup that conceals their ture and ugly face.

"Hey everyone." I sighed as I walked into the infirmary.

"Well don't dont you sound joyful this afternoon." Hope joked.

"Haha very funny." I said as I checked Nico's room to see if he was in but I found it empty, "Hey has anyone seen Death Boy anywhere?" I asked my sibilings.

"Death Boy?" Darci cocked her head in disbelief, "don't tell me he actually let him call you that?"

"Well he rather that more than Angel so thats what I call him from time to time." I explained to Darci.

      Yeah my whole cabin knows I'm gay, they dont really seem to care about it, some of the guys just took sometime to adjust but nobody judged. They found out I liked Nico after the war. How they know, I will never know because I thought I did a good job at hiding it. Nico seemed to dense to find out so I didn't need to worry about him finding out. I really dont want him to find out, that'll break out friendship, which I have worked hard to form. Nico was a person who didn't show much affection towards other people, the only one person that gets more affection than the others is Hazel which is quite expected since they are siblings-

"Earth to Will!" Shouted Lizzy she waved her hand infornt of my face fiercly.

"S-sorry I blanked out, what where you saying?" I said coming out of my thoughts.

"Yeah we couldn't tell, but anyways I say Nico go into the woods, he was running too," Lizzy pause, "he looked sad." She finished sounding puzzeled "like sadder than usual....if thats even possible."

      Raging anger begain to flow in my veins, why is Nico going into the woods being all down and not coming to me first, did I do something wrong to him that would make him not talk to me? Wild thoughts began to fly into my mind as I flew out of the infirmary, running into the woods to search for my Angel.

A/N: Sorry for the late updates and this short chapter but im having finals and got to study, so from now on I probably will update monthly. Percy will come in soon, very soon. Ummm hope u enjoyed the fanfic so far!!! ●_¤

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