Chapter 6

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Nico POV

      I awoke with great warmth around me, a warmth that made my heart fluter like  butterfly wings. Strong arms holding me close to a built body. Looking up to see who these strong arms belonged to I gasp...

"U-g-W-Will..?" I say dumbfounded. Will pulls me away from him, hands still on my sholders and an expression mixed between happiness and sadness.

"Nico...hey" Will says quietly, "why didnt you come back to the infirmary?"

      An image of the golden blonde haired boy walking in between two girls flashed into my mind. Tears began to form in my eyes.

"Nico? Whats the matter?" Will asked. He began to move his right hand to my face but I backed away. "Did I do something wrong?" Will asked with great concern.

"N-no. Just had something in my eye." I said as composed as possible.

      Of course you did something wrong. You led me on to think you actually liked me, like "liked" me. My thoughts screamed in my head. Wait no, no you shouldn't be blaming him it was your fault for believing it and getting your hopes up. Gosh shut up me. I shook my head, getting back to reality.

"Neeks nobody would believe that. One that is the most used excuse in movies when they ask if you are crying and two eyes are red and puffy." Will nagged,"please tell me if I did something wrong."

     I opened my mouth then closed it because if I keep it open some "things" might be revealed. I repeated this process 3 times untill Will clapped my face in between his hands and yelled "SPIT IT OUT ALREADY!" in frustration. Shutting my mouth I decided to stay quiet, making Will a little frustrated with me...okay, more than a little, his face was red. Uhh, even his mad face is so dreamy, no be quiet, I mentally slapped myself.

Will POV

      Nico wasn't planning to tell me why he was crying, he opening and closing of his mouth like a fish and with the frustrated face that appeared on his face between each opening and closing made him look so cute, but the fact he wasn't telling me something that I might have done to upset him took over those feelings of letting him slide on telling me.

" What do you want me to do to get you to tell me?" I pleaded.

" Nothing" Nico added, " its none of your business anyways." He said it in such a "mater of fact" tone that I felt pain in my chest. I was going to say ' Yes it is, because I love you', but everyone knows that he is as straight as an arrow.

" How is it none of my business when my client is crying?" I decided to say instead. Nico sat there thinking. His face had a puzzeled expression on it. Gods of Olympus why is he so adorable!?

" Its none of your business because your not my counselor."

" Fine then, as a friend you got to tell me whats wrong." I said, calling myself his friend made me feel guilty, I liked him so much and I was a guy if you ask me I dont really deserve the title of "friend". I looked at Nico to see if he had a comeback for what I had said.

     His facual expression wasn't the usual puzzeled or thinking face from before, but a sad and pained expression was painted across his face. His eyes seemed to open wider when I had said "friend" then wince in sadness.

     This...this infurated me very, very much. The top of my head blew off, thought began to form. What?! His he thinking that I'm not his friend, does he hate me that much. I thought we were pretty tight. My thoughts began to cloud my mind and before I knew it I yelled at Nico: " What am I not your friend?", " I thought we were friends, but it seems that you don't feel the same way!" I exclaimed, Nico's eyes had wided and his mouth was doing the fish movements, but with squeeks escaping every time he opened, I didnt stop to give him a chance to talk. " Well I dont feel the same way either Nico, I have never thought of you as my friend" my voice darkinged, great saddness washed over Nico's face, a "pang" of guilt hit me. That some how didn't stop me from opening my mouth again, instead I said something and did something I was never planning to do.

A/N: Hehehehe, im ganna leave you tp think on what happenes next. Muwahahahaha. But dont worry I'll update again either at the end of this month or a little past ^^. Just got to wait patiently. Oh and I wont make a love tri. So ya sorry to those who wanted one.


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