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Perrie already returned to their place and I guess right now they are having their lunch. It's now 1 in the afternoon, and I'm here on the bench, where I was laid before I met the one and only Perrie Edwards. At the moment, nothing else is running in my mind aside from where I got invited. First-class dinner.

I am definitely sure that the high profiles will be there. Some of the crews, and of course, the rich people. And I am not even one of them.

Too much schedules can really make you to stare blankly. But on my side, I do not have any schedule and things to do, except on the one and only event I should attend. Only one but so high quality, only one but it's a huge deal. Yes, I used to meet big people. But me, entering their territory? I haven't tried it yet, and I do not have any dream like this.

I should panic...I have nothing to wear, well I have some but I mean the presentable and elegant one. I should practice myself how to speak properly and what am I going to say, because I can't bring a mess and a shame there.

I have so many "must to do" things, but it seems like my nerves aren't feeling good about this, and my body as well, but opposite of my heartbeats.

I shouldn't fail there because that's what I did not want to happen. I even promised myself that I will be good in their sights especially for Perrie, I should not disappoint her. I will try to act well as one of them, which I know is very hard to do, but I will try to be proficient there. It's just so shocking that her fiancé invited me. Even though she insulted me earlier, which I know just because of her astonishment and annoyance towards my question, I'll still do my very best. To impress them, to impress the first-class people.

"JADE!!!" I was snapped out of my thoughts when Jesy came out of nowhere.

I sighed and laughed, turning to face her. "Yes?" I asked, then I received a smiling and smirking Jesy. What is she thinking?

"Are you ready for the dinner later?" She asked, standing by my side.

"Yeah kind of. I'm just here thinking ahout what to say, and how to act like one of them," I said, sighing.

"Ohh. That's hard," she said, frowning.

"Yeah it is, and I do not have anything to wear, I mean, you know..the presentable and elegant ones?" I stated, scratching my head.

"Well, I know what you are feeling right now, but don't pressure yourself much. You can do it," She stated, then I frowned.

"That's it. I know I can do it but...what if I mess up? Or say something wrong? Or maybe-" I was cut off by Jesy covering my mouth with her palm. "Shh, you are blabbering now," She said then dropped her hand from my mouth.

"You do not have to worry much little Jadey. I know how you feel. You have so many "must to do" things, but your nerves doesn't want to cooperate," She stated, and I am really shocked. She literally knew what I am feeling.

"I know how it feels, but then, despite of that, you should learn how to trust yourself. Know that you can do it. I know it's not just a simple dinner, and I know it's very hard to act like one of them, but you should stop stressing yourself. You already have done so many grateful things before, and even last night. You just saved the one and only Perrie Edwards. And if it wasn't because of you, then you will not be involved in their dinner tonight. Am I right? This is a blessing for you and I think, you will do great there. Trust me," She added, making me shocked at her words.

"Uh- thank you so much Jesy, that means a lot," I said and hugged her and she gladly hugs back. After our hugging-session she reminds me one more thing.

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