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Milan Katalina Kovac \ Sterling Mansion

"Listen to me, girl,
You have castles inside your bones,
Coronets in your heart,
If he threatens you with battle,
You raise him a whole war,
The last time I checked,

Queens cower before no man. -Nikita Gill.


So much for avoiding them.

"I'm so sorr-" I begin to apologize trying to stand back up on my own two feet.

"For christ's sake, would you pay attention to where you are going," the boy scowls at me, while I'm taken aback by his slight accent. "Is it so hard for you women to compose yourselves, and not throw yourself at every bloke you see," he continues in a frustrated tone.

"Throw myself at you?" I reply in shock. I clearly tripped! And I did not appreciate what he was insinuating with his words.

"Yes darling, although most women aren't so literal with their attempts, I don't applaud your execution. Quite tacky and classless if I do say so myself."

Tacky and classless? No, tacky and classless would be me punching him in the face giving him some purple to bring out his pretty green eyes.

The girl next to him laughs at his words while his other companion simply observes the scene with a calculating smile.

"Perhaps you didn't realize, darling, but I didn't throw myself at you, I tripped. Some of us make mistakes; like whoever gave you the idea that everything revolves around you and that it's okay to act like you have a stick up your ass. Your attitude alone is quite tacky and classless." I flash him a smile that didn't reach my eyes, while my tone dripped in sarcasm. "If I do say so myself."

Not waiting for a reply, I quickly make my way out of the lounge, my bowl of strawberries safe and in hand.

"I think that's enough adventure for the day," I mumble, finding my way back to my room to finally unpack.

Gotta love high school.


My father came to get me at 5:45, and by then I had finished unpacking three out of the five suitcases. 

"Have fun?" He inquires as we make our way to the dining hall.

"Yep, halfway done unpacking and I got some strawberries," I say cheerily, not wanting to bring up the boy incident.

"Cause any trouble?" He jokes and I simply shrug.

This time when we entered the dining hall it was filled with people. Each table already had plates filled with food, people around my age chatted rapidly, seeming to be enjoying themselves. My father led me to the main table, where headmistress Adelia sat along with the rest of the staff.

"He's hot," I hear a girl whisper to her friend, who nods in agreement as we pass by. "Like in a DILF way."

I was going to puke.

"Milan, how was unpacking," Adelia says nicely as I settle into a seat between my father and a man that looked vaguely familiar.

"It was good, Thank you," I replied politely, glancing at the man next to me. Where did I know him from?

"Could you hand me the salt Madam Lillian?" The man says. "Thank you." His arm extended in front of me to grab the shaker, from a white haired lady, who I assumed was Madam Lillian, and then it hit me.

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