before he cheats - prologue

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"Right now, he's probably slow dancing
With a bleached-blond tramp
And she's probably getting frisky.."


That was the only way you could describe the scene unraveling on the stage of lux's night club.

Absolutely breathtaking.

"And he don't know..."


The young girl swayed her body to the sound of the guitar and closed her eyes letting the music consume each and every one of her senses; letting herself feel the pain one last time.

For the last time.

"I dug my key into the side
Of his pretty little souped-up four-wheel drove
Carved my name into his leather seats..."

The club was dark with the exception of the red lights that illuminated the stage, making the moment even more hypnotizing. Every single person in the club seemed to be in a trance. Each word flowing out of her painted red lips like a siren's call; beautiful and deadly.

Raw emotions poured through her words, making the scene all that more mesmerizing.

However at the back of the club sat two individuals- the only two in the club that were sitting, that dared to sit.

One blond, One brunette.

The blond had one of her long, slim arms woven around the brunette's, while her perfectly manicured hand played with his hair. She looked at the performance with distaste displayed by a sneer, while her partner looked on with an emotionless expression.

They were the reason she was up there, and they showed no sympathy.

"Slashed a hole in all for tires
Maybe next time he'll think before he cheats..."

The brunette's defined jaw clenches as his hands form into a fist, making the large silver ring dig into his finger, no doubt leaving a mark. 

"We should go," the blond says in a low tone, eyeing her partner's clenched hands, feeling uneasy at his display of emotions.

But her partner didn't move, or acknowledge her words- he kept his eyes trained solely on the girl with the microphone.

"I might've saved a little trouble for the next girl,
Cause next time that he cheats..."

And as if feeling his burning stare, the girl finally let her eye lids flutter open.

Even across the club he could see the fire emitted in them as she stares back into his green eyes with her signature smirk.

"Oh you know it won't be on me."

AUTHORS NOTE: This was so bad and I'll probably rewrite it later on, but here's a sneak peak at what's to come ;)

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